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The Message Of The Gospel!
6/24/2010 8:05:52 PM

The message of the Gospel

The Bible says that God is holy and that heaven is holy and holy means perfect. It is important to understand that God can not leave anything imperfect into heaven, because if it did, it would not be heaven.

The Bible also says that we all have a body and a soul. When you die, your body will be buried or cremated. But your soul, the real you
endures for ever . There is no other possibility.


Unfortunately, we have a problem because the Bible says that if a person committed even only one thing wrong (eg: lying once, cheating once hate once, etc. ...), it violates the perfect moral law of God. When someone breaks a perfect moral laws of God it is recorded in heaven in his disfavour and his soul becomes imperfect. It becomes a lost soul.

Let me ask you a question: <<Do you know someone who has never violated a law of God?>> The answer is obviously no, me neither. So here is our problem. We have all violated God's laws, so we all have an imperfect soul . Since there are only two places where our souls can go when we die - either heaven or hell - and that to go to heaven, we had to have a criminal record, that person has , then we must all go to hell.

That may seem harsh and many say: "I thought that God is love! How could a loving God create a place as hell? And how can He send people over there?>>

Let me tell you why the hell must exist. Id like you to think of someone you really like. Imagine that this person has been murdered. The murderer was arrested and questioned by a court. He pleaded guilty. But you're horrified when the judge said: "This is very bad, what you have done! But because I am a judge full of love, I'll be releasing you. "You'd be very angry. Why? Because you know that when someone violates the law, he must be punished, otherwise there is no justice.

I ask you three more personal questions. These questions will help us understand why there must be a hell.

During your life, have you ever lied?

If your answer is no, then you are probably saying your second lie! The truth is that most people have already lied once or more during their life. And if you lied once, then you are guilty of falsehood. Like me.

Have you ever taken something that was not yours?

Even something insignificant as a paper clip, a pen or a sheet of paper? A portion of food that was not left for you? Do you process your personal affairs during your working time [which amounts to stealing time]
etc..? What does that make you?
The same thing as me: a robber.
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Do you think God will let a gang of thieves, liars as we go to heaven? Indeed, if we let in to heaven without punishment, so we have broken its laws, it would be like the unjust judge who did not condemn the murderer of the person you love.

Some will say: "'I am guilty of lying and stealing but never kills quelqu'un!>> But the Bible says that if we hate someone in our heart, we also kill our heart. Here comes the third question:

Did you ever hate someone?

The truth is that most people have already felt the hatred vis-à-vis the other, which, by God, we are guilty of murder? In civil law, you commit the crime and you're guilty in law of God, just thinking about it for being guilty!

That's the bad news: so that there is justice, there must be a hell. But here's the good news: God loves us and he does not want us to be punished. Thus, it provided a way to be forgiven. This makes Jesus the most important person who ever lived. It marks the course of time - av. J-C, AD. J-C Christmas, Easter. All these events are based on her life and yet many have forgotten.
The most significant thing that differentiates us from Jesus is that we all have a soul flawed for having violated the laws of God as that of Jesus is perfect. 2000 years ago, Jesusest came to earth and this is what happens.

Jesus saw the men who were on this earth and he said to his Father (who is also God): "Father, is there a way for these beautiful people we have CREATED to be forgiven for their offenses and trespasses of your laws and have access to heaven? I really love them Father, there must be a way>> The Father replied: "Jesus, there is a way. If you go on earth, become a human being, live a perfect life and die a cruel death on a cross to take any punishment that they deserve for breaking my rules, then it will be possible to forgive them and for them to have access to heaven. "2,000 years ago, Jesus did that. He has suffered a cruel death on a cross to take the punishment that we deserved because of our offenses.
According to the Bible, there are three main events in the life of each person. There are birth and death. We have no control over these two events. The third main event is the MOMENT when we ask Jesus to forgive us! It is at this moment that Jesus gives us his PERFECT record. We are not forgiven by baptism, confirmation, prayer, the act of going to the church, or believe that God exists, to do good. Most of us believe that if we do these things, we'll be right with God. No, it is not so. All these things are good but do not provide forgiveness. There are two things that Jesus has said, we must do to be forgiven.

Firstly we MUST BE READY to TURN AWAY from all that is wrong in our lives. Note the expression TO BE READY. There may be some things in life, which we feel unable to quit by our own forces. But it’s not a problem. If we are ready to abandon them and that we want to TURN AWAY, God will help us.

Secondly, to be forgiven, we must also HAVE COMPLETE CONFIDENCE in Jesus. Let me explain what that means. If God has created you in your mother’s womb and has created the entire universe around you don’t you think he deserves to be the center of your entire life? Have complete confidence is to acknowledge that Jesus is God and we offer ourselves to him by putting him in the center of our lives.

When we ask Jesus to forgive us and we are extremely confident in him to be forgiven, that is what is happening. At the time of your birth, God has begun a book about your life. He does for all of us.

God never sleeps. He sees every attitude, thought, and action, moving. Whenever we break one of His laws, a record is made in writing. So you can imagine that at the end of our life, we have a library full of books that testify against us!

When you're forgiven, here's what happens: God takes your book, and tear all the pages and throw them in the deepest ocean where they disappear forever.

Then he took a copy of the PERFECT record of Jesus and He slides it between the two covers of your book. This book, archived in heaven with your name on its wafer, now contains a copy of the PERFECT record of Jesus.
This new book is about you preciously kept in heaven, ready for the day you die. And this book is never touched again between the time you sincerely ask forgiveness and death, even if you still necessarily violate the laws of God during this time.

This does not mean that we cannot do everything that we like or that the fact of being forgiven makes us perfect people on earth. But it means that Jesus has forgiven us once and for all our offenses, past, present and future.
When you die, you will go on trial before God.
Everyone will. God looks at you and will order his angels to pick up your book. They open it up and say: 'Ye Were perfect!>> And you reply: No, I were not PERFECT.>> Full of love, Jesus says, "I know this, but according to God, I made you perfect and I've completely forgiven YOU, once and for all, the day you asked me to exchange your CRIMINAL record against my PERFECT record. Welcome to heaven!>>

This is why Jesus is a true hero. We have committed crimes and he was punished in our place. We were very guilty, and he perfectly tnnocent.

Now imagine that you do not ask Jesus to forgive you. Here&#39;s what you should expect at your death. It becomes a bit more serious! You stand before God on the day of Judgement and Jesus, looking at you, with tears in His eyes, would say to you: "I'm sorry. I can not let you enter heaven. I must send you to hell. You never asked me to forgive you. I have loved you so much that I tried six different ways to attract your attention. First, I died on the cross to express my great love to you. Secondly, I sent Felix personally to explain why I died on the cross for you. Third, there were churches in your area. Some churches were good, I felt ashamed of others, but you could have found the right ones. Fourth, I gave you a conscience so that you can make the difference between good and evil. Fifth, I created a world so beautiful that it was impossible not to admit that I existed. Finally, I am resurrected to prove that I am God and that everything I said and did was true. But you have not done anything at all. I&#39;m sorry, but I cannot let you enter heaven. I must send you to hell.

Let me ask you another important question. Be honest, please: "If you died tonight, where would you go? To heaven or hell?"

Say you are not sure, or maybe, you have chosen one of these replies. Let me briefly summarize the situation to avoid any misunderstanding.

According to the Bible, what kind of RECORD do we need to go to heaven? A PERFECT RECORD. There are only two ways to get it. The first is to be a perfect person. The only other way to get a PERFECT RECORD, is that Jesus gives us his own. According to Jesus, what are the two things we need to do to get His PERFECT RECORD?

We must be WILLING to TURN AWAY from all that is wrong in our lives. The second thing He asks us to do to be forgiven, is to FULLY TRUST Jesus. So if someone did not turn away from all that is wrong in his life and did not FULLY TRUST Jesus, it is literally impossible for him to be forgiven and enter heaven at his death. And this is terribly sad, because this is precisely why Jesus died for you!


Please note that any authentic message of the gospel must always mention four key points:

1. The reason why we need to be saved,

2. The means by which Jesus can save us,

3. What we must do to be saved

4. The implications for us to follow Jesus.
Felix Alexander, Missionary in Christ-Jesus, with, is a mentor with a servant’s heart working with top leaders in the Home Based Business and internet marketing industry. For more FREE information to start your Own Home Based Business Visit:; and/or Call NOW: 215-641-1659 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              215-641-1659      end_of_the_skype_highlighting Anytime To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:< /a>