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Shalom Beloved Fellow Network Marketer In Jesus! Keep Your People Or Die!
6/11/2010 6:54:32 PM
Keep Your People Or DIE!

Shalom Beloved [FIRST_NAME] In Jesus!

To have a chance to build relationships and get that retention, you must:

1. Choose a company with consumable products that make a real difference in the lives of your people and those they love. Network marketing is a relationship business, and it’s also a TESTIMONIAL business. For your people to be successful with word-of-mouth advertising, they need a strong testimonial for the products they like.

2. Offer great value to the end user (and the value YOU offer includes much more than just your products), which allows you to build a very attractive income.

3. Get to know your people. Learn what they really want. Help them formulate their “WHY”. Do everything you can to make them feel so valued & cared for that they’ll be forever loyal. Give them the personal attention, respect & admiration they deserve.

If your people see you as a Network genius, you're lost in space.

If they see you as a special, trusted friend
& confidante, you're right on track.

For More Fascinating Lessons read Success In 10 Steps
you can get a copy here:

I Apreciate You Dearly! You Deserve Success & Respect!

Your Faithful Friend For Life!

Felix Alexander; Missionary In Christ-Jesus!

215-641-1659 anytime
Felix Alexander, Missionary in Christ-Jesus, with, is a mentor with a servant’s heart working with top leaders in the Home Based Business and internet marketing industry. For more FREE information to start your Own Home Based Business Visit:; and/or Call NOW: 215-641-1659 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              215-641-1659      end_of_the_skype_highlighting Anytime To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:< /a>

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