We All Know Timing is Everything... Well TIME IS RUNNING OUT - FAST! MyGlobalPayline.com is ready to launch! We're Very Close to the most exciting Pre-Launch in the history of the industry... -24 hours to launch time! Just a few hours from the Pre-Launch button being pushed. Last chance to be positioned as Founding Partner at the top of the 200 country MyGlobalPayline.com We have been saying this for several weeks now; "Make sure you're an active TriUnity distributor and share this with everyone you know" This means all the "active" TriUnity distributors will automatically become "Founding Partners" in the fastest moving GlobalPayLine ever created. AND - from that moment on, every new member joining this new program will go DIRECTLY UNDER YOU creating a business building EXPLOSION. It is already happening - 40 to 50 are joining DAILY because the word is getting out and team members are going to work. What does this mean - it means every second counts because this is starting to happen throughout the company. Since Greg released the print version of the MyGlobalPayLine compplan the flood gates have opened and people in the industry see what we have and they know they need to "postion themselves" NOW... Imagine what it will be like when Greg flips the switch in a few hours! Be on the call Thursday 9pm Eastern - You'll receive information that YOU ABSOULTELY MUST HAVE. With all the new people joining, the call will fill up fast so call in at least 5-10 minutes early to get a line. 1.507.726.3420 Pin 21265 # Get a FREE Bottle of the hottest "energy fitness weightloss" nutracuetical product on the planet! Timing is everything... Don’t let this once in a lifetime chance slip away. To secure your position as a member before we launch contact me for your questions Chris Agnes