Hello Friends, My Name is Christine Lammermann, I am a Reg. Nurse, who converted many years ago to everything Natural Health! I did read it up in my Enzyclopedia for Natural health, to assure myself, that I tell You the right thing. So, here it comes: 1. Fibromyalgia is an Autoimmune Disorder of the Soft Tissues, it is an Acid Condition,in which the Liver is toxic( that is why People who suffer from it, are in constant Pain, can't sleep, have No Rejuvination,and it never heals). BUT - There are very good Natural Remedies available, which give really good relief, and they are : Omega-3 Fats like Flax seed, then You need Bromelain and MSM.You find all this in every Natural Health Shop! Besides this, there are several Essential Oils available, which I can get to You, should someone be interrested, because they Have to be 100% pure, and there is only one Company in the world who is Best, and I am with them. So, Anyone, who needs or wants any Help, the Natural Way, Please let me know, because I KNOW, and have the Proof Too,that I can help Everyone who suffers under this Condition, and anything else. Besides, I love to help all of You, and it is my Passion, to make this Way of Healing known to more People! So, Please contact me through Adlandpro: Christine Lammermann, Id: 391085, or send me an email : c.lammermann@yahoo.com I would love to hear from You!
Have a Wonderful Week EveryOne,Warm Wishes