They spent over $30,000 on tickets! We get ours for FREE! UNLIMITED GROUP SIZE! ===>>>Look at this: 48 people shared $200,000 in Powerball, that was 48 people spending money on tickets, and they each only got 1/48th of the prize. They buy 48 tickets twice-weekly for 7 years, they've spent over $30,000 in tickets and limit their group to 48 people. IF THEY WERE IN LOTTO MAGIC and compiled themselves into a downline formation, it would have been FREE for all of them and they would have also been PAID MONTHLY MLM commissions, even when they lost, for all the times they lost, and they could build a huge group and always get at least 10% of all winnings within 5 levels under them...but they're not in Lotto Magic, they don't know about it, obviously. Read this article, they don't want more than 48 people in their group (because they don't want less than 1/48th of the prize!)==>> Lotto Magic members PLAY FREE and GET PAID up to $50 per member on our first levels and up to $4 per member on levels 2 thru 5, RECURRING MONTHLY COMMISSION$! Sign up someone once as a Power Captain, and earn $50 EVERY MONTH and get FREE TICKETS in 41-state Powerball & FL Lotto every Wednesday & Saturday, and never less than 10% of winnings from your downliners tickets! Join LOTTO MAGIC and build your group as HUGE as you want, it can be FREE for everyone who has at least 2 people on their first level. Make your lottery tickets FREE and get 10% of all winnings within 5 levels under you, unlimited width of levels, some heavy-hitters have 100's of people on their first level...and GET PAID MONTHLY COMMISSION$ whether anyone wins or loses: