
Richard Weberg

931 Posts
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Stop! Dont Join Another Business Until You At Least Read This
3/31/2010 7:46:40 PM

Hey my friend, just wanted to share real quick with you, a
video Joel did to fully explain the complete business in
depth with Now LifeStyle. If you have not read my prior
emails, or recent blog post, Now LifeStyle is currently in
pre-launch, and we are putting together a massive team. So
take the time to […]

Watch this in depth video in my blog post

To your health and success


Richard Weberg And John Weberg

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RE: Stop! Dont Join Another Business Until You At Least Read This
11/10/2014 1:59:34 AM
Hi Richard, I realize, you do not know me at all.
I sign up to AOL Sept. 1992. I seen every change that possible, and sure things will continual changing online.

I had decade to a full time day job, It was important I stay focus to this job.
with 1 million 300 Thousand peoples lives involved and so it needed my totally 100% focus.

Now that life and services coming to a end I re-joined ADLANDPRO. I am ready for the
commitment, the ability to focus and take the correct action that is required to profit online. I been online for 22 years. I seen to many marketers come and go.
I realize, I do not know you either, However, I'll read more about you.

I came from FAMILY WITH 12 brothers and sisters born in the 1950's. Seen the world change big time.
I learned as I think so is my life. It that way for every person. what one puts in one gets back. after 36 long years of services to California, I am now ready to move to some thing different ready to share, show that love and care I learned to one Million and 300 Thousand Ca. people, now to share this online. Bye for now. Darlene Atkinson from Sacramento,CA.
May your life be touch by grace and peace: Darlene Atkinson
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