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Cheryl Maples

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Pet Stories
3/9/2010 6:23:44 PM
Hi Everyone,

Karen has an interesting forum about hobbies and I got to thinking that was a fun subject. I wanted to have a fun subject and I'd like to hear about favorite pets. If you'd like to tell us about a current (or past) pet and what they do to make you laugh or just keep you company, tell us your pet stories.

I have three cats right now. The oldest is 15 and she has kept me company and helped me maintain my sanity through some tough times when I was taking care of my late husband who had Alzheimer's. She was always there to just keep me company or entertain me. Her name is Ninja and even at her advanced age now, she still likes the high places. She and our dog were the best of friends, though our dog had doggie Alzheimer's in the end.

My lap belongs to Ninja and the other two know she has first dibs. She helps me type quite a bit of the time. We get up at 5am during the week and I don't have to worry about missing the alarm. Ninja will make sure I get up. Breakfast can't be late! LOL

I am looking forward to all those companion stories, whether they wear fur, feathers, or scales. Tell us about your special friends!

Cheryl Maples, LMT Catch Your Dream 727-504-4721
RE: Pet Stories
3/9/2010 7:04:54 PM
Great subject Cheryl, We have several pets here. Our first is our Dog Sky. My wife named her that after her blue eyes (she's an Australian Shephard, and has the rare trait of 2 blue eyes. She's a great dog, in the summer we play ball, and throw frisbee for her. We also have 3 cats. Our oldest Mike, we call him Mikey. Sometimes he's more like a Dog than a Cat LOL. When i take my bath before work, he likes to lay on, or near the bathtub. He also likes when the water is running to stick his paw in the running water. Our other 2 cats, Middle cat Fred, and youngest cat George we adopted from my Father-In-Law's farm. The will chase each other through the house, and wrestle. The cats are 5, 2 1/2, 2 George also likes to sit, and lay on my lap when i am here at the computer. We also recently aquired some fish. We have 2 tanks, a 30 gallon, and a 55 gallon. We have 2 Blood Parrot cichlids, 2 Jack Dempsy Cichlids, a few Mollies, some Guppies, a Plethectomus, and some redheaded cichlids. They are fun to watch swim, and chase each other around in their tanks.
Cheryl Maples

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RE: Pet Stories
3/9/2010 10:12:50 PM
Hi Rob,

Do your cichlids rearrange the furniture? lol

I had a bunch of Jack Wattley turquoise discus at one time. I raised them. They are egglayers and when the eggs hatch, the babies swarm around one of the parents and feed off the slime on their body. The parents take turns babysitting and to switch off, the parent with the cloud of babies around it, swims close to the other parent then quickly makes a little turn and the babies are left sort of hanging, like, what happened? and then oh, here's the other parent, and they quickly zoom close to that parent. It's quite a sight. I am sure you are enjoying your fish.

Our dog, Gingersnap, was a character, too, but that's another story....

Thanks for sharing!

Cheryl Maples, LMT Catch Your Dream 727-504-4721
RE: Pet Stories
3/10/2010 2:00:18 AM

Hi Cheryl,

As you know my pet canine daughter "Daisy" is so companionable to me. In fact, Daisy is sitting right here beside me while I type this reply to you. She is quite the gal - she is very fury, part collie, some spaniel and terrier in her. She is very smart, very affectionate, and minds me very well. When it is time to go to bed, all I have to say to her is -" Daisy, go to bed." She goes and gets upon my bed and stays there. Now when my late husband, Richard, was here, Daisy always loved to have her Daddy, Richard, take her for walks. Daisy loved to go for walks. When we all went to bed at night, she would give me her good night kisses first, and then she went over to Daddy and kissed and kissed his bald head. She loved to sleep between us or up above our heads. Now when Daddy went to heaven, Daisy had stayed out by the back door - back of our dining room- for about two weeks, and then finally realized that Daddy was not going to come back. She had done well ever since with me. She lets me know when there is anyone coming in the yard no matter who it is. She jumps up in my lap while I am in my powerchair, and loves to go for ride in it with me. I am so glad I have her.

Janet Hair
Myrna Ferguson

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RE: Pet Stories
3/11/2010 1:10:41 AM
Hi Cheryl,

I love animals so very much. I have a cockateil and a cat. both are spoiled rotten. My bird is spoiled by the fact that every morning she wants a nut. I started this over a year ago. I don't like cashews, so I give one to the bird, she loved it. I tried her with a peanut and she wasn't too happy with that. So every morning if I don't give her a nut right away, she will yell at me. How could you ever not please a darling little bird.
