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Phillip Black

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I Would Like To Introduce A Friend Who Needs Your Help
3/2/2010 4:26:29 AM

Hello My Friends,

I would like to take a few moments to Introduce you all to a new Friend of mine, Tina Browning...

Tina Browning

Tina is a loving Wife of 17 years, a Mother of four, including two Stepchildren, a full-time Court Reporter, and a part-time Network Marketer. In her spare time, besides raising a loving Family of her own, she is working to help others. Right now she is trying to raise awareness and support for The Sunshine Kids Foundation.

Fighting cancer can be a lonely, daunting experience – especially for a child. The Sunshine Kids Foundation has been providing positive, exciting group activities for children receiving cancer treatments in hospitals all over North America, at no charge to the kids or their parents.

I hope that you'll Click on her Picture above, visit her Profile, and if she's not yet on your Friends list, Invite her to join you. Also, while you're at it, click on the Link below, and if you can, help to support

The Sunshine Kids Foundation

Thanks My Friends & God Bless,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
RE: I Would Like To Introduce A Friend Who Needs Your Help
3/4/2010 9:29:30 PM

Hi Tina,

Barbara Reynolds here. God Bless you in your work with children. I am great grandmother to two adorable boys and I can not even imagine them suffering with cancer or other diseases. I will keep you and your intentions on my prayer list for great things to happen through your efforts.


Barbara Reynolds

Barbara Reynolds 336-227-2983
Phillip Black

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RE: I Would Like To Introduce A Friend Who Needs Your Help
3/5/2010 2:47:30 AM

Hi Barbara,

Thanks so much for stopping by and thanks for your encouraging words. Yes, Cancer is a terrible disease, even when it strikes Adults, but it must be simply devastating when it strikes innocent little children. Thanks again for your Support.

My cousin just passed away last year from Colon Cancer, and again this year the family is taking part in our local Relay for Life in her honor, and also to honor my Dad, who passed from Cancer back in 1994. To check on the Relay for Life in your area, just click this banner

Thanks Again My Friend & Have A Great Weekend,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10
RE: I Would Like To Introduce A Friend Who Needs Your Help
3/18/2010 2:42:28 PM

Thanks for letting us know about our friend needing help. Having witnessed so much suffering and death from cancer, it breaks my heart to hear of children afflicted. I am thankful that so far and if God willing, I will never have to endure that one. We have lost so much of our family to this evil and many close friends have been victim of this cancer. I keep praying there will be a way to prevent it and a cure far removed from 'treatments' that are now used. God knows a better way and will reveal it if we keep praying for it.

Your causes are all worthy ones and you are appreciated by many.


Phillip Black

5931 Posts
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RE: I Would Like To Introduce A Friend Who Needs Your Help
3/18/2010 8:40:15 PM

Hi Sara,

Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your kind words of support and I'm sure that Tina does also. Yes, Cancer has been very cruel to our family as well. So many have passed before their time, including my dear Daddy back in 1994 and my sweet Cousin, just this past year.

Thanks For Caring My Friend,


“There may be trouble all around, but I am calling you to a place of peace. Be still and know that I am God. Come to Me, and I will give you wisdom, strength, and grace for everything you face." Psalm 46:10