This new Social Network Based In St Petersburg, Florida, is growing exponentially World Wide. A couple of major investors you have heard of, one being Mike AllStott of Tampa Bay Buccaneers Fame, and George Wendt who played "Norm" in the hit TV show "Cheers". Norm is actually a family member of the CEO who you'll see in the video below. "YourNight" started in November of 09 and is approaching 20,000 members, located in all parts of the World. I joined about 2 weeks ago and already have 70 members in my group. What I'm finding out is that it's easy recruiting in Florida and especially in the Tampa bay area because it offices are located here, plus that fact that everyone is familiar with Mike Alstott & George Wendt. My mission is to build a Tampa Area group and together we can do some coop advertising to build our organizations. It's FREE to join and the upgrade to Gold Member is a mere $10.00 per month, You earn $2.00 for every Gold Member you recruit, so it only takes five and your monthly membership is covered. Regards, Bobby Dinkel 727-533-0033 Watch the video below to learn more, then click the link to my website below.