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Roger Macdivitt .

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Marketers, Be seen, be successful - Writers, be read - Networkers, work smart
1/31/2010 12:27:53 PM


Something that I have noticed is the huge opportunities missed by different online users.
There is, out there in ether-land, a host of online marketers (or hopeful marketers) who fill every corner of the web and search engines with their advertising offers. Strangely, although many of these cash-seeking individuals want as many people to see their advertisements as is possible, they hide their wares in unfindable corners.

There are scores of sites that offer free posting of adverts but few that get really significant hits. Why?
Which do you prefer? A library where the books have been sorted into subjects and authors or a room full of shelves with books piled so high that to reach a lower one is to risk your life?

Ok, so the latter offers a chance of uncovering an undiscovered gem, but at what risk and was it afterall what you were actually looking for? Probably not.

The same is true of writers and poets. I belong to community/social networking sites where there is real talent evident. I have seen wonderful poetry, fascinating stories and experiences and even real blockbusters serialised. The number of actual readers? Few.

People need to know where to go. They need to know that if they put poetry submission into a search engine they will find an appropriate and valuable resource.

What can you and I do about it? Advertise.

Advertise wherever you go but in an informative way. When you submit a comment on a network page mention how good the site is where you post successful poetry/writing posts or sales adverts. You don't have to advertise blatantly. None of us want spammers on our favourite niche sites, however, if you put something like My friends at in your presentation you will get enquiries if people think that your work is being seen.The same goes for networking advertisers. If, as an advertiser, you drop things into your posts like My online emarketing friends at Adlandpro people will want to know and go to check your profile.out. Make sure that you stay within the rules of your site.
Imagination in writing and advertising is not only the key to success but is rewarding too.

Don't be too hard on yourself either. It's all a learning curve. I publish poetry that is not finely honed purely because the inspiration has not been sqeezed out and the same goes for advertising, excitement alone might just work.

Here is a little unhoned poem that I have published elsewhere before. not a masterpiece, but I'm fond of it as it says what I wanted it too.
I hope that you enjoy it.
Roger Macdivitt

Network Marketers
c) Roger Macdivitt 2008

It’s all in the list, so they tell me.
It’s all in the list, so they say.
All of those online marketers
Are they playing upon my fears?
Is there not a simpler, shorter way?

It’s all in the list, so they tell me,
It’s all in the list, but of whom?
I have lists of those who might.
I approached those who seem right.
There must be someone, somewhere, I assume.

Roger Macdivitt .

7333 Posts
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RE: Marketers, Be seen, be successful - Writers, be read - Networkers, work smart
1/31/2010 12:28:37 PM
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Roger Macdivitt .

7333 Posts
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Person Of The Week
RE: Marketers, Be seen, be successful - Writers, be read - Networkers, work smart
1/31/2010 12:29:00 PM
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