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Get 100's of Hits Per Day!! All for Free!! Work...
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Get 100's of Hits Per Day!! All for Free!! Works like a Charm ! Targeted Traffic
1/19/2010 2:46:01 AM
ThereareThousands of people that tell you how to get Traffictoyour Site.Onlyabout 1/10 of the systems of those people ReallyWork!!
The Best and Foremost is Traffic Exchanges. It is Work and takes a Lot of Time but it Does draw people to your pages.
IstartedonDec 14,2009, since then I have had
42 sign-ups,
1023 clicks on mypage(s),
28 paid Members, and 14 New Members to my Affiliate AdsForum!!
TellmeTrafficExchanges Don't work and I willTell you that you don't workatit!! Ifyou Do Nothing then that iswhat you will Get Nothing!!
I was off the net on Dec 16 till Dec 19 as I lost my Sister-in-Law!! She was one year younger than my wife is!!
And I still Got Tons of Sign-ups, Paid Members, and new members to my Affiliate Ads Forum.
in the 20+ years I have been Affiliate Marketing!!Ifyoucan Afford itthen I Don't care if you throw your Money in theTrash-Bin. I for onekeep my Money and Spend it on my Family.
Which I might Add is Getting larger...LOL
3Sons,4grandkidsand 2 great Grandkids...the Last Great Grand Childwas BornonDec 25,2009and was 8 lbs 8oz and 19 1/2 inches long!! ALittleGirl!!That is WhereAll my Money goes!!
Now I am the Proud Owner of "
General Shopping Top-Site Lists
". Do you know what that is?
Youpost aText and/or Banner Ad on this Large Board. Post it andforgetit.Itstays there forever unless you Change the Ad or Banner!! YouputaSmall HTML code (just copy and paste) on your Site. It is CalledaVoteCode.Then people coming from your page you will receive oneINvote.TheyClick on someone else's Ad or Banner they receive oneOUTvote. TheMoreVotes you get the Higher you go on the lists.
The Max Ads and/or banners is just about Unlimited. Can have up 300+ pages with 25 per page.
Youwanttogeton the 1ST page not the last or way down the Lists. Otherpeoplecomefromother sites and if they like what your Ads Says thentheyClick onYOUR ador Banner. You get 1 OUT vote.
It is Everyone HelpingEveryone.Great Way to bring Traffic into your page(s)withoutdoing morethan 10minutes of copy and pasting of the HTML code on your page!!
No Work like the Traffic Exchanges are!!
I am Living Proof that it Works!!!
Not only on Traffic Exchanges but also Top-Site Lists!!
Most Top-Site Lists are specific to One Topic!
General Shopping
takes All Topics
. Be it one product, getting new sign-ups for your business or anything Else!!
Traffic Exchanges takes a Lot of Time !!
to get other people to sign up on your ID of the Traffic Exchanges...Oh yea,
Ihave18sign-ups on One of my Traffic Exchanges too. on another one Ihave 9andstill another one I have 12 in addition to the Abovesign-ups. I oweitall to Traffic Exchanges!! IT Work
The Best Part!!
EVERY THING is FREE !! YOU PAY Nothing at all!!!!
General Shopping Top-Site Lists
is also FREE to post your Ads and/or Banners there.
YoudoNOThaveto put the Vote Code on the page of the URL where yousendpeoplewhenthey click on your Ad. The Vote Code can be on Any PageyouChoose!!Youcan Also Vote on your Own page to Help bring it to theTopof theLists.
Thereare Very Few HITs and Votes at this time asitis ONLY 4Days Old. So getin while the getting is Good. I have21Members at thistime!!
You will Not get ANY e-mail Not even 1 E-mail from
General Shopping Top-Site Lists
Do You E-Mail Market?
I for1 have found out that it Does
work for the Money you page.Ifyousign up for E-mail market to send yourAds to 200,000 peoplethenyou getonly 1% which is 200 and 1 % fo that200 is all the signupsyou willget. Is it worth getting TONS of Spammail to get only2sign-ups. Idon't think so.
The TOP 6 are:
6 -
This one is Undergoing a TEST at this time. I do Not know if this
will Bring people to your Pages however they have 10,000 Members
That in itself is a Big Plus. I will let you know in about a Week if this
One Works.
AlloftheAbove Traffic Exchanges gives you Sign-up Bonus's andAlsoContestsallthe time with Special Bonus for Surfing the Pages.Theseare the BestIhave Found out of about Fifty I have Joined andDeletedmy Accountonall but the TOP 6 above.
Use Each oneof theTrafficExchangesto Advertise the other Traffic Exchanges. GetSign-upsunderyou andyou get LOTs of Credits without having to Surf thepages.
There are UpgradesAvailable for only Pennies per month(toquote theTE's)However I amDoing GREAT on the FREE Account. I haven'tPaid for anything like this in20+ Years and I see No Reason to StartNow!!
Have a Great Day
I wish you Much Success
Invite me to Be your Friend!
Vote for POTW This week-Ends Thursday
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