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Article For Singles Or Online Business Seekers
1/4/2010 6:15:17 AM
Are You Really Prepared To Fall In Love ?

Most everybody who is unattached or see them-self as being available would like a loving relationship. It's a natural instinct to want to feel wanted and to want to share our lives with someone special. But are we ready to do this.

In order to start a new relationship and have every chance it will succeed we must remove all old baggage, only then can we think clearly and be in a position to judge what is happening in any new friendship or relationship.
There are three major factors we should be aware of in our relationships with other people, these are how we see attraction. Is there a physical appeal? Is there a kind of compatibility in how attractive we see the person to be. Are we really physically attracted to this person? Then we have emotional compatibility, how does this person feel when we are close and do our minds relate to them on an emotional level.
Then we have mental compatibility, do we understand and agree with what this person is saying on matters important to us, can we communicate effectively and do we want the same lifestyle.
If you truly love someone they should become important to a level where we put their interest equal to your own or in some cases will make sacrifices for. In other words we are prepared to put their interests or in the ongoing relationship family interests first.
Other questions we need answers to. How do we find this person? Where do we find this person? How many compatible people are out their.
To start with there are thousands and thousands of people in this world we are highly compatible with. We can find them anywhere but are most likely to find them where we spend most of our time. There are a few exceptions to this.
And finally how do we find this person... Read on;
Before you can form a long term relationship you must be willing to meet a lot of singles.
The more people you meet and get to know, the better your chances are of finding the right one for you.

So adjust your attitude so you are willing to meet and talk with people, keep an open mind.

Do not have preconceived ideas of who you want to meet or how you expect them to act or be.

Always be relaxed and do not try to impress people with your behavior, just act natural and go with the flow. This way people who like you will gather near you in the chance they may get to speak to you.

Be aware as a prospective partner can be found anywhere or at any time.
Start every day as if you knew you are going to meet someone special today.
Think about this... Because one day will be that day and it could be to-day on the next or the next.....
Most top online dating sites have over 20 Million members. So this can be a good option to start.
If you intend to meet people online in a good online dating service, you only have to present yourself once the day you submit your profile.... but you also may meet someone offline so be prepared and stay aware.
Meeting people online is a test of your character. People who join online dating sites set their own standards. Online dating sites offer so much more now than they ever did. If a person joining is really positive and utilize all the tools that a dating site provides, they can expect to meet some really nice people.
My advise; Place your best photo on you profile ( upper body); Give a good honest description of yourself. Highlight your unique qualities and interests and state the type of people you would like to respond. Pay for a membership. This will ensure you stay committed until you meet the right person. Once or twice in a lifetime we meet someone we can truly love and who will love us in return.
Do not expect to find the right person overnight.
Have a good attitude to meeting people, keep an open mind and meet many nice or different people on your journey to success.


Note if you would like your own online singles business see
Regards Michael Clayton


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