
Flash Smith

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Do you want 100's of Hit's per Day? It works and it is ALL FREE !!
1/1/2010 7:34:54 PM
UpDate: To Date I have got 34 Sign-ups and I owe it all to Traffic Exchanges Below.

AffiliateBot and Traffic Exchanges goes together like a Man and His Wife!!
they can't be Beat ! Works like a Charm. And Best of All it is All FREE !!

is a Company that has 100's of other companies that they advertise for. You get anywhere from 10% to 75% commission for every thing that you sell with their Banners.
Now if you Advertise for AffiliateBot Just like the banner says you get 5 % Commission for everyone you Refer for Life!! 5% isn't that much but if you consider bringing 1000's people a

Daytoyour Site you can figure approx 7000 a Week will see your Banner!!Nowout of those 70000 times 4 = 28000 a month. Only 5% willclickonandjoinunder you. That is 1400 people that is out there workingforyou.Now figure only 5% of those 1400 people will follow throughandReally work at it and make money with AffiliateBotandgetsign-ups their self!! That is 70 people that is Working FORYOU!!Youtell andHelp them(all of them) where they can Advertisetheir sitesandbannersat. Theyget sign ups approx. 70 and that is4900 people thatyouaregetting 5%commission for every sale theymake?

those figures are Approx. it could be a lot more and it could be a lot less. I push AffiliateBot more than I do the others and I have about 90 others that I advertise for.

All the Banners you see at the bottom of my Affiliate Ads Forum most of them are from AffiliateBot!! I am getting Clicks Every single day. Not all of them amount to anything but some of them Do!!

NowIhavebeentalking about Affiliates. You can also join as amerchantifyou wantto !!It will cost you. I do not know how muchand don'tknowtheir ruleson theMerchant account! You can Read aboutboth ofthemjust by clickingon theBanner Below!!

I do know this. You can make anywhere from 10 cents to $200 for every signup with AffiliateBot.

If you have a webpage and Want Traffic 1000's of hits per day. Some more Some less then the Place to HELP your Business is EasyHits4U.

AffiliateBotandEasyHits4U is a GREAT PAIR!! You can't go Wrong. Both are FreeToJoin.As I said I don't know about the Merchant Account - That costs!!

Getyou a few Hot selling items Banners (from Flowers shops toToys toLoans and just about everything else is on AffiliateBot for youto Joinand start advertising for. Clicking the Banner will not forceyou toJoin or pay anything. You can READ about Both Affiliate andMerchantAccounts and decide for yourself. If you don't want to justclose theWindow and NoHarm is Done to You are them.
I All Ways READ about a Company BEFORE I join. That way you tend to Stay out of Trouble and I have Done that and Been there in my 20+ years as an Affiliate Marketer!!

You also can read about EasyHits4Uandfindout what it is all about Before you Join!! If you like it ThenJoin. IfNot then just move on down the Line!! I have already got 5(update12-31-09) 18 people to Join EasyHits4U in 14Days. Thatis more than 1 per day!! on the average!! They see what isgoing on andLike my posts said It Works Like a Charm.

click on any of the Links above for More Information about them.

Happy Holidays to You and Yours

The others I belong to are:
EasyHits4U - The Best so for !
SmileyHits - One of the BEST
TrafficSplash - Join last week 12-20-09 and fash becomine a Great TE!!

all of the above has banners that you can advertise for them and here is only ONE for HenryHits.

See my Posts in My Forum on Adlandpro Read what I wrote about them I research Everyone Before I recommend them. I do Not Lead my Friends Wrong if I can Help it!!
Here is a Link to one of my Many Posts and you can Always find updated information from any or all of my Forums on Adlandpro.

My Affiliate,Your Affiliate Our Affiliates Forum

WantaFREE Banner to Use Where Ever you want? Then Request it here in myForumfor FREE and No Strings Attached. Oh yea, there is No Catcheither....!!

Eveybody's Advertising Here Forum

Tip:ChecktheDateof the Posts. I am Always Updating the TrafficExchangesonwhichones Ithink are Good, Better and canfind a listsof myforumsas wellas my favorites on the right side ofthe Forumabove. Theonlyexception isthe Forum award I do not postAds in theForum.
Also Be sure and goto my Affiliate Ads ForumandchecktheBannersat the Bottom and on the left side of the mainpage.Youcanadvertise forone or all of those and there are a lotmore thanIhavedisplayed there...

VeryImportant Tip: JoinTrafficExchanges.Get your Ad Linksadvertising theTE;s and put theminrotating on eachof the otherTE;s. You get Creditsfor your signupsand in some casesCash!! BeCarefull tho. You get theWrong TE andyouGet 1000's ofE-mails andno one wants that!! Been theredonethattoo..LOL

When and If you Join my Affiliate Ads ForumthenyoucanAskme Questions as well as others that are in the SameBusinessasyouare andget the Message (Public or Private) to my justabout24/7anytime. Checkthe time on this Message...LOL !! I surfa LOT on EasyHits4Uanditispaying off!!! Just for the Record. EasyHits4U in my opinion is theBest.The others are Good but I like EasyHits4U the Best SoFor. ThatisSubjectto change if I find a Better one. That will Promote yourBusiness a LOT.and Like I said....It works like a Charm!! BarNone!!

P.S. EasyHits4U has over 210,010 membersandthere isusually700-900 members on line around the clock.About 9a.m.yesterday there were almost 2000 On-Line. Get your Credits andthenActivate the Members See your Site and also See your Banners. If you don't have a Banner to your Business then you Really need to Get one. I can Help you there also. Read My Posts!!
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