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The Senate’s Christmas Gift
12/21/2009 1:40:45 PM

The Senate’s Christmas Gift

December 21, 2009 by Bob Livingston

The Senate’s Christmas Gift

Senate Democrats are working overtime to get an Obamacare bill passed before Christmas. They no longer even pretend to be doing it to reform healthcare. Now they’re just doing whatever it takes to get a bill passed, even if it costs somewhere between $848 billion and $2.1 trillion, depending on which math you use.

Never mind that the average of polls shows that Americans oppose the Democrat’s healthcare bill by a 54.2 percent to 39.7 percent margin. Democrats have gone all in, as the saying goes, and nothing is going to stop them.

As an unnamed Democratic strategist told Byron York of The Washington Examiner, “Once you’ve gone this far, what is the cost of failure?”

Comparing Democrats to bank robbers—how appropriate—who have gone past the point of no return, the strategist said, “They’re in the bank, they’ve got their guns out. They can run outside with no money, or they can stick it out, go through the gunfight, and get away with the money.”

Of course, money is what it’s all about. Not saving it mind you, but stealing yours.

Sen. Dick Durbin (D.-Ill.) told The Hill that Democrats will have the 60 votes needed to pass a bill this week. They’re buying off reluctant Democrats left and right.

For Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu the price was $300 million in federal aid to her state. As columnist Charles Krauthammer said on Fox News, if Landrieu got $300 million, Sen. Ben Nelson (D.-Neb.)—said to be holding out for removal of a provision in the bill that allows federal funding to pay for abortions—gets a Caribbean island, or two. Or, if some news reports are correct, a threat to close a military base in his state if he doesn’t join in.

Sen. Joe Lieberman (I.-Conn.) is back on board. We don’t yet know what he got in return, aside from a lot of face time on television. In an effort to get one or more Republicans to sign on so the bill can be cast as bi-partisan, Maine Republican Senators Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe are being courted as well. Look for Maine to get a bundle of cash for snow plows or something.

Meanwhile, Joe and Jane Citizen only get dunned. If you are a family with an annual income above $88,200 and your employer doesn’t provide coverage, prepare to fork out $15,200 a year for a federally-mandated insurance fee, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) as reported by And few employers are going to provide coverage for their employees once the plan kicks in.

Why? There is an incentive not to. If employers don’t pay their share of their employees’ premiums they’ll have to pay $750 per employee fine. That’s much less than the employer contribution on a complete health plan.

What’s more, there are tax increases in the bill. Lots of them. According to the Heritage Foundation, Medicare taxes increase from 2.9 percent to 3.4 percent, the top marginal tax rate goes from 35 percent to 39.6 percent and, in the House version of the bill, a surtax of 5.4 percent is put on incomes above $500,000.

Following is a list from the Heritage Foundation of other tax increases currently in either the House or Senate bill or proposed by the Barack Obama administration to “pay” for healthcare reform:

  • An excise tax on high-cost "Cadillac" health insurance plans that cost more than $8,500 a year for individuals or $23,000 for families.
  • An excise tax on medical devices such as wheelchairs, breast pumps and syringes used by diabetics for insulin injections.
  • A cap on the exclusion of employer-provided health insurance without offsetting tax cuts.
  • A limit on itemized deductions for taxpayers with a top income tax rate greater than 28 percent.
  • A windfall profits tax on health insurance companies.
  • A value-added tax, which would tax the value added to a product at each stage of production.
  • An excise tax on sugar-sweetened beverages including non-diet soda and sports drinks.
  • Higher taxes on alcoholic beverages including beer, wine and spirits.
  • A limit on contributions to health savings accounts.
  • An 8 percent tax on all wages paid by employers that do not provide their employees health insurance that satisfies the requirements defined by the Secretary of Health and Human Services.
  • A limit on contributions to flexible spending arrangements.
  • Elimination of the deduction for expenses associated with Medicare Part D subsidies.
  • An increase in taxes on international businesses.
  • Elimination of the tax credits paper companies take for biofuels they create in their production process—the so-called “Black Liquor credit.”
  • Fees on insured and self-insured health plans.
  • A limit or repeal of the itemized deduction for medical expenses.
  • A limit on the Qualified Medical Expense definition.
  • An increase in the payroll taxes on students.
  • An extension of the Medicare payroll tax to all state and local government employees.
  • An increase in taxes on hospitals.
  • An increase in the estate tax.
  • Increased efforts to close the mythical “tax gap.”
  • A 5 percent tax on cosmetic surgery and similar procedures such as Botox treatments, tummy tucks and face lifts.
  • A tax on drug companies.
  • An increase in the corporate tax on providers of health insurance.
  • A $500,000 deduction limitation for the compensation paid by health insurance companies to their officers, employees and directors.

And the kicker is the taxes go into effect immediately after Obama signs the bill. The healthcare benefits don’t start until 2014.

All the taxes are designed to confiscate the wealth of Mr. and Mrs. Citizen and drive them into a public option—even as Senate Democrats say the bill doesn’t include one, yet.

On Dec. 16 the president went on television and said if Congress doesn’t pass a healthcare bill the Federal government will go bankrupt. Poppycock. If a healthcare bill is passed it’s Mr. and Mrs. Citizen that go belly up.

The spend-and-tax policies of Obama and the Democrats—stimulus bills, TARP bill, healthcare bill, etc.—are what is pushing us toward economic collapse.

Face it. The healthcare reform plan Democrats are ramming through is nothing more than the greatest transfer of wealth and most massive power grab in the history of the world.

Frankly, I don’t consider that much of a Christmas present.

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Bob Livingston

Bob Livingston is an ultra-conservative American who has been writing a newsletter for 39 years. Bob has devoted much of his life to research and the quest for truth on a variety of subjects. Bob specializes in health issues such as nutritional supplements and alternatives to drugs, as well as issues of privacy (both personal and financial), asset protection and the preservation of freedom.
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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
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Jim Allen

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RE: The Senate’s Christmas Gift
12/21/2009 1:46:07 PM


floydbrown.jpg In an outrageous example of the abuse of near dictatorial power, the leader of the United States Senate, Harry Reid, forced a vote on nationalized health care. With total disregard for the will of the people and turning a blind eye to the United States Constitution, Reid sought passage for this bill by corrupting the legislative system.

"This process is not legislation. This process is corruption," said Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., referring to the last-minute blitz of dirty deal making that enabled Obama to lock in the 60 votes needed to pass the bill.

The final hold out was Nebraska Sen. Ben Nelson. But he hit the jackpot when they bought his yes vote, scoring $45 million to completely cover Nebraska's Medicaid bill every year into the indefinite future.

Clearly this deal violates Article 1 Section 9 part 6 of the Constitution which says: “No preference shall be given by any Regulation of Commerce or Revenue to the Ports of one state over another...” and Article 4 Section 2 which says: “The Citizens of each state shall be entitled to all the Privileges and Immunities of the Citizens in the several states.”
Citizens of Nebraska will now have state medical bills, other states must pay, funded courtesy of the United States government (meaning you and me.) Nebraskans are clearly receiving a special privilege. According to this monstrosity, they are more equal than other Americans.

Sitting on high, the President encouraged this corrupt, ugly spectacle. Not only that, he broke the vow he took to uphold the US Constitution as he raised his hand and recited his oath of office.

While we all sleep, the U.S. Senate is stripping us of our freedom. Clearly the time for impeachment is at hand. Reid and Pelosi deserve to be removed right along with Obama.
All these outrages only fuel our efforts. The citizenry is in full revolt.

I am proud that our campaign for impeachment is growing stronger by the hour. We have surpassed 100,000 signatures and are fast approaching 125,000 signatures. This movement cannot be stopped by the corrupt deals in Washington. We will succeed, and the socialist dreams of our president will end on the ash heap of history.

Thank you for continuing to post the links to the impeachment petition. Remember, most people will not sign until they have seen the link ten times or more, so we need to continue pushing. Here is the link:

We have also posted a special page which will provide the HTML code for banner ads. If you have a blog or website, please consider posting these ads. They have been very successful recruiting new people to our cause. Here is the special page:
With gratitude in our hearts from our unprecedented success, we approach the celebration of our Saviors’ birth on Christmas day. The New Year brings us to the next mile-stone of this campaign. If we are to succeed, the 2010 elections must bring to office a pro-impeachment majority.

Every day Barack Hussein Obama occupies the White House, America is in grave danger.

Warm regards,

Floyd Brown

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May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

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RE: The Senate’s Christmas Gift
12/21/2009 4:37:28 PM

As I peruse my daily news beat, I find that the USA is not the only country with woes related to accouting debacles by our elected representatives.


Greek Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou calls it a "credibility gap".

How far can the statistics for Greece's public finances be trusted?

The Bank of Greece says the budget deficit in 2009 will be 12.7%. Two months ago the previous government said it would be 6.7%.

One problem is that Greek civil servants have no accurate picture of how much their country is worth. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) thinks one third of wealth is undeclared; some analysts think it could be nearer half. Tax dodging is commonplace.

I also see the IMF has it hands in the play too. The NWO appears to be everywhere.

May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success


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