SQIP Affiliate info We welcome individuals, companies and especially charities to join us in building a 5 figure monthly income when you share Sqip Messenger with your friends, colleagues, customers. members and supporters.
As an affilaite you will earn a % of every Advert delivered to every Messenger in your Referral Network.
There is no purchase or qualification required.
You simply promote Messenger and start earning instantly on every Advert delivered.
The Ads are targetted by demograpics and are non intrusive.
You can also download the Sqip Tool Bar to your IE or Firefox browsers to have even more features at your fingertips....and you make instant commissions when anyone in your referral network also uses the toolbar.
The toolbar will be available to download from mid December.
Messenger is scheduled for launch end of Jan/Feb 2010. http://stakeholder.sqipcom.com/user/ohmmani