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We let your money grow. How? Through Crambe oilseeds.
11/29/2009 11:57:40 AM

What's new in oilseeds? Check out Crambe!

Most farmers would callCrambe (kram’bee) a new crop, but to one agricultural research service chemist in Peoria, Illinois, it's an old one whose timehas come. Known botanically as “Crambe Abyssinica”, this member of themustard family originates from theMediterranean area. Its seed contains30 to 35 percent oil, nearly twice that of soy beans and, of this, 55 to60 percent is composed of erucic acid.

Crambe oil is a good source of long-chain fatty acids, useful as a chemical fedstock because the longer the hydrocarbon chain, the more things that can be made from it.Potential industrial uses include the manufacturingof a wide range ofplastics, coatings, and lubricants.

Private Earnings Program!

Thebuyer is purchasing crambe units and WLYMG spends collected fundsondevelopment of the seeds. A profitmargin is created during the timespan it takes to turn seeds into oil. A shareof the generated profit ispaid to the buyer on a weekly basis, starting 6months after crambe units started trading.

Originallypurchased crambe units are automatically renewed after eachcycle forcontinued year-upon-year profits until the buyer chooses tostop. For aslong as the buyer lets the spent amount “roll over”, weekly returns willcontinue, year after year!

Each crambe unit comes with a numbered “Certificate of Ownership” which can be printed from the WLYMG Website.

The“Certificate of Ownership”, can also be shipped to a home address by courier service or first class mail at £1.00 per certificate, plus postage. The tangible copy of a “Certificate of Ownership” cannot be copied for security reasons.

Two Ways to Earn!

Type A) - The “cash unit” option:

Aftersixmonths the buyer will be paid the profits from the sale of the crambebiooil production, week after week. The money will be transferred intothe “EarningsAccount”, which you can find at the WLYMG’s website in themember area.

Type B) - The “seed unit” option:

Aftersixmonths the buyer will be paid the profits from the sale of the crambebiooil production, week after week. The money will be transferred intothe “ReserveAccount”, which you can find at the WLYMG’s website in themember area.

Whensufficient earnings have been generated, the system willautomaticallypurchase a new seed unit. This means a greater value over alongerperiod of time. Watch value growas you acquire more crambe units fromearnings from the sale of your bio oil,and these are renewed eachcycle.

  • Orderyour crambe units today!
  • Theultimate home-based business!
  • Programis world-wide!
  • Nospecial license required!
  • Only£15 (± $25 / €17.50) will get you going!
  • Wewill grow and process the seeds for you!
  • After6 months we will buy back your harvest!
  • Plantyour new seeds and start all over again!
  • TheWLYMG program will never stop!
  • Alternativebio oil programs available!
  • Yourretirement is secured!
  • Yourportfolio is inheritable!
  • Receivean extra seed unit after trading for 5 consecutive years!

Iknow this is a lot og information, I was myself a little puzzled when Ihad to take it all in, but if you are interested, send me a message andI will invite you to the program for free.



This Monday we will finalize the Harvest Heat 5 x 8 Forced Matrix and you can still join the 202 members who have already claimed a position. There are still a few positions left at level 4 – and these are guaranteed income spots – but you have to react immediately; now!

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