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PayGear is the Best Affiliate Marketplace Hands Down - Here Why
11/15/2009 7:07:39 PM

TweuropaTeam here, which some great news.

If you have not yet heard of PayGear it is quickly sweeping the Internet order processing community.

While there are a few choices in affiliate marketing, none of them can really stand up to

PayGearis an amazing service which is more flexible, easier to use,and farless expensive processing fees than any other marketplace ontheInternet. Did I mention it is the only marketplacethat allows its usersto list unlimited products for free?

Clickbank charges its users $49.95 for each product listed while Paydotcom charges $29.95 for multiple product additions.

You should sign up now just in case PayGear does decide to start charging the prices these other competitors are listed at.

How can they offer all these feature for free?

- Lowest transaction fees industry wide
- 99.99% server up time – never lose an order
- Mass pay your affiliates with just one click of the button
- Customize your checkout page with your own logo
- Integrated 2-tier affiliate program
- Integrated coupon system – give all or your best affiliate coupons
- Multiple payment options on the checkout page
- Process orders from Paypal, Google Checkout, or your own credit card processor

Clickbankdoesn’t offer any of the above features; Paydotcom doesn’toffer any ofthe above features! And that’s just for starters.

PayGearincludes higher paying rewards for referring new members. Justrefer afew of your friends and you may never have to pay any fees everagain.


Plus you will receive free Ad Feed technology with youraccount. Userscan then insert a PayGear Ad Feed on their website andany product inthe top 25 automatically get rotated with that usersaffiliate linkimbedded.

Affiliates get tons of optimized content for their site, while venders get another source of totally free advertising.

PayGearis a total win – win for all parties involved. Easy to use andhighlyeffective for processing orders and will drive tons of extratraffic toyour web business. Plus you are going to pay farfar less than any othersimilar system on the market!

Don’t waste any more time, sign up for a free PayGear account now!

Best Regards,

Tweuropa Network
Michael Volkmann

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P.S. Make sure you sign up right away while they
still offer free unlimited membeships.

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