The Perfect Connection.
The moon I saw in the cloudless night Was so bright and seamless white Spreaded the earth's horizons' sight Like the soft snow on Himalayan site.
The moon may think as its right to boast at its beautiful snowy light. The moon may pretend its wholeness forever that the world can't exist without it ever.
What moon thinks is a fun as I know there exists the sun. The rays of sun reflect on the moon The guys on earth look at the boon.
As there is moon in the sky, so is the mind in human being. Often mind wants to fly, the reason for its existence unknowing.
The mind appreciates the beauty in delight And it has performed many a marvel and fun. But the appreciation spouts from Heart's excite And there is no mind without Heart, the Inner Sun..
The Knowledge is perfect connection between mind and Heart, Perfect Master is the King of Heart and He knows well the art.