Do you know anyone who spends at least $10 or more per week on lottery tickets?
Do you live in a state that doesn't have a lottery?
Do you live in a state that doesn't have a multi-state game such as Powerball?
Would you or your friends/relatives be interested in being able to
play the lottery for free, including 33-state Powerball?
Would you be interested in getting a paycheck even when your ticket
doesn't win?
Would you like at least 10% winnings from your group, even if there
are more than 10 people? 10% if there are more than 100 or 1,000 people?
Chart of earnings potential and ticket amounts for Captains in Lotto Magic:
15 minute online video explaining the business:
LOTTO MAGIC has been in business worldwide for almost 14 years and is rated A with the Better Business Bureau.