Lotto Magic has been in business for 13 years and 9 months, and has paid thousands of worldwide members the correct amounts of referral commissions AND lottery winnings on time every month for 165 consecutive months. Every month this year, the new signups have surpassed each previous month's signups! Hundreds of new members join Lotto Magic every month! Watch the online video explaining this great opportunity and you'll see why it's so popular: Lotto Magic is the ONLY worldwide lottery club MLM that's rated A with the Better Business Bureau! There are members in all 50 states and several countries! 80% of U.S. states offer lottery games, it only makes sense to join Lotto Magic and gain the ability to ultimately get UNLIMITED FREE TICKETS in 33-state Powerball and Florida Lotto AND 10% of the prize amounts from all winning tickets within your entire 5-level downline! STOP PAYING TO PLAY the lottery, you can play for FREE in Lotto Magic just by introducing 2 other people to this unique lottery club multi-level homebased business! Captain comparisons and commission potentials and lottery ticket amounts: