
Sarah Pritchard

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How to keep flu at bay and other remedies
10/15/2009 10:50:34 AM

Bonjour folks,

My Musketeer friend, Danielle gave us these  remedies. I don't know where the original copy came from, but they are interesting and could prove to be very useful.


      In 1919 when theflu killed 40  million people there wasthis Doctor that visited the many farmers to see if he could help them combatthe flu.  Many of the farmers and theirfamily had contracted it and many died.

The doctor came upon this one farmer and to his surprise,everyone was very healthy.  When thedoctor asked what the farmer was doing that was different the wife replied  that she had placed an unpeeled onion in adish in the rooms of the home, (probably only two rooms back then). 

The doctor couldn't believe it and asked if he could haveone of the onions and place it under the microscope.  She gave him one and when he did this, he didfind the flu virus in the onion.  Itobviously absorbed the bacteria, therefore, keeping the family healthy. 

Now, I heard this story from my hairdresser in AZ.  She said that several  years ago many of her employees were comingdown with the flu and so were many of her customers.  The next year sheplaced several bowls with onions around in her shop.  To her surprise, none of her staff gotsick.  It must work..  (And no, she is not in the onion business.)

The moral of the story is, buy some onions and place them inbowls around your home.  If you work at adesk, place one or two in your office or under your desk or even on topsomewhere.  Try it and see whathappens.   We did it last year and wenever got the flu.

 If this helps you andyour loved ones from getting sick, all the better.  If you do get the flu, it just might  be a mild case..

Whatever, what have you to lose?  Just a few bucks on onions!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Now there is a P. S. to this for I sent it to a friend inOregon who regularly contributes material to me on health issues.  She replied with this most interestingexperience about onions:

Weldon, thanks for the reminder.  I don't know about the farmer’s story...but,I do know that I contacted pneumonia and needless to say I was very ill...Icame across an article that said to cut both ends off an onion put one end on afork and then place the forked end into an empty jar...placing the jar next tothe sick patient at night. It said the onion would be black in the morning fromthe germs...sure enough it happened just like that...the onion was a mess and Ibegan to feel better.

Another thing I read in the article was that onions andgarlic placed  around the room saved manyfrom the black plague years ago. They have powerful antibacterial, antisepticproperties.

Thanks for this article. It brought back memories of when my oldest son used to get colds all thetime when he was little. This lady told me to cut an onion and rub it on hischest.  The onion turned very black andmy son soon felt better.




'I would like to tell you of the benefits of that plainlittle old bottle of 3% peroxide you can get for under $1.00 at any drug store.Doctors don't tell you about peroxide, or they would lose thousands ofDollars.'

1. Take one capful (the little white cap that comes with thebottle) and hold in your mouth for 10 minutes daily, then spit it out. (I do Itwhen I bathe)

No more canker sores and your teeth will be whiter withoutexpensive pastes. Use it instead of mouthwash. (Small print says mouth wash andgargle right on the bottle)

2. Let your toothbrushes soak in a cup of 'Peroxide' to keepthem free of germs.

3. Clean your counters, table tops with peroxide to killgerms and leave a fresh smell. Simply put a little on your dishrag when youwipe, or spray it on the counters.

4. After rinsing off your wooden cutting board, pourperoxide on it to kill salmonella and other bacteria.

5. I had fungus on my feet for years - until I sprayed a50/50 mixture of peroxide and water on them (especially the toes) every nightand let dry.

6. Soak any infections or cuts in 3% peroxide for five toten minutes several times a day. My husband has seen gangrene that would notheal with any medicine, but was healed by soaking in peroxide.

7. Fill a spray bottle with a 50/50 mixture of peroxide andwater and Keep it in every bathroom to disinfect without harming your septicsystem like bleach or most other disinfectants will.

8. Tilt your head back and spray into nostrils with your50/50 mixture whenever you have a cold, or plugged sinuses. It will bubble andhelp to kill the bacteria. Hold for a few minutes, then blow your nose intoa  tissue.

9. If you have a terrible toothache and cannot get to adentist right away, put a capful of 3% peroxide into your mouth and hold it forten minutes several times a day. The pain will lessen greatly.

10. And of course, if you like a natural look to your hair,spray the 50/50 solution on your wet hair after a shower and comb it through.You will no t have the peroxide burnt blonde hair like the hair dye packages,but more natural highlights if your hair is a light brown, reddish, or dirtyblonde. It also lightens gradually so it's not a drastic change.

Angel cuddles,


Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
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Luka Babic

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RE: How to keep flu at bay and other remedies
10/15/2009 11:23:49 AM
Dear Sarah!

Great to see you !

God bless you for providing advises so simple to practice! I have heard a lot about 3% Peroxide (I think Sir Luis Miguel provided some special links about it to my mother) .

At least, it is cheap and harmless ... and if maybe can`t help for each problem, won`t enlarge it.

This place needs all angel cuddles, please never forget that :) .

Blessings and hugs to you and family!

With much love,

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Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: How to keep flu at bay and other remedies
10/15/2009 11:34:04 AM

Hi Sarah,

My grandmother told us she would place sliced onions on the chests of her kids when they were sick in bed, she told us that's what they did on the farms in those days in the 1930's and 1940's, we always thought that sounded strange and didn't know it could help, until just now when I read your post.  Thanks!  I guess Grandma knew what she was doing.  I can't imagine laying in bed covered with sliced onions, but obviously it was the common practice then.

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Sarah Pritchard

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RE: How to keep flu at bay and other remedies
10/23/2009 3:27:57 PM
Hello Luka dear boy!

I have tried and tried to do posts at ALP without any success, but it seems that the onions may have an effect on ALP too!!!!

I managed to do this post. I didn't get a time out error message, so things are looking good. I hope they continue that way so that I can bring some angel cuddles again.

Thank you for your visit.

Angel cuddles,

Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
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Sarah Pritchard

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RE: How to keep flu at bay and other remedies
10/23/2009 3:40:57 PM
Bonjour Kathleen,

Yes, these old remedies are worth looking into. My eldest son said to me yesterday: "Mummy, someone has put a pot in my room with an onion in it. What is that about?" All the others explained to him what it was for, to which he replied: "Oh. But I'm not ill." The onion has been there for a number of days and he has only just noticed it.

We all laughed and assured him that he probably wouldn't get ill either.

I can't imagine any of my children putting up with sliced onion on their chests in bed!!

I don't think I'd put up with sliced onion on my chest either. Smelly!!!

These remedies are often very good and always worth a try, but I draw a limit at that.

Angel cuddles,

Angel Cuddle Cafe Empowering You to Live with Ease in Love, Joy and Abundance Angel Cuddle Publishing Angel Cuddle Trails Click here with your ghostwriting needs
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