
Find People Free Ad Thread 10/5-10/12/2009
10/5/2009 12:46:24 PM

Please feel free to post your free ad in this thread. Thanks, Steve

Tissa w/Affiliatize just paid me $210 via Paypal (a couple of months ago).

And another $55 recently for a total of $265 so far in the last few months!

Here are the 125 most recent payments that included the GUARANTEED commissions of at least $125. Note that the table below does NOT show all payments to all affiliates - just the 125 most recent payments which included the guaranteed $125.

As of Jul. 28, 2009, $454,411.00 has been paid in total commissions, of which $83,875.00 was the guaranteed commission of at least $125! To get YOUR share of these commissions, simply Signup here: !
Amount Date Paid Affiliate's Name Country City State
$200 Jul-28-2009 Cj Alina Romania Oradea Bihor
$200 Jul-28-2009 Paul Pond USA Carbondale PA
$202 Jul-28-2009 Terrence Friend South Africa Klerksdorp North West Province
$204 Jul-28-2009 Vitor Ferreira Switzerland Haldenstein GR
$205 Jul-28-2009 Aoddam Namjai Thailand ladkrabang bangkok
$205 Jul-28-2009 Annajane Hinkley USA Rives Jct MI
$205 Jul-28-2009 Sandy Sharrock Australia Bribie Island Queensland
$205 Jul-28-2009 Victor Dodson USA Swiftwater PA
$210 Jul-28-2009 Satish Genius India Roorkee Uttarakhand
$210 Jul-28-2009 Steve Hauser USA Augusta GA
$210 Jul-28-2009 John Dosek Australia Busselton Western Australia
$215 Jul-28-2009 Lancohil Fg India Hyderabad Jubilee AP
$220 Jul-28-2009 Vedanta Hk srilanka Colombo Eastern province
$220 Jul-28-2009 Ranga Ra India Anakpalle AP
$220 Jul-28-2009 Sonny Grant USA Foley AL
$222 Jul-28-2009 Nichola Mcclean Australia Maleny Queensland
$230 Jul-28-2009 Amir Am Israel Hadera Hadera
$230 Jul-28-2009 Ronald Corbin USA Morristown IN
$235 Jul-28-2009 Laura Bissett USA Lorain OH
$240 Jul-28-2009 Brad Jacobsen Canada Cobble Hill British Columbia
$240 Jul-28-2009 Chuck Ward USA Vista CA
$250 Jul-28-2009 Nick Leatherland United Kingdom Alfreton Derbyshire
$255 Jul-28-2009 Emmaa Watsson India Banglore Karnataka
$255 Jul-28-2009 Ric Jones Canada Rockland Ontario
$270 Jul-28-2009 Wasin Ramtam Thailand ladkrabang bangkok
$275 Jul-28-2009 Corey Parsons USA CoeurdAlene ID
$278 Jul-28-2009 George White USA Sacramento CA
$280 Jul-28-2009 Mohammad Afzal Canada Mississauga Ontario
$305 Jul-28-2009 Debi-jene Kasper Canada Orillia Ontario
$315 Jul-28-2009 Uday Kumar India Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh
$325 Jul-28-2009 Zhe qi Tan Singapore Singapore Singapore
$335 Jul-28-2009 Caleb Mcmillan USA Holcomb KS
$360 Jul-28-2009 Sharon Talty USA Lakewood CO
$400 Jul-28-2009 Eric Green USA Holly Springs NC
$450 Jul-28-2009 David Blaisdell USA


Adlandpro is one of my fave sites as the people are fanta-bulous, the networking is great, having a place to share ads and info rocks! For over 20 years now I've been part of a huge T.E.A.M., where "Together Everyone Achieves More." Our dreams and goals are to help as many folks succeed as possible no matter what occupation or biz you are in. I have 3 main blogs or websites, including expertise in blogging, forums, communities, network marketing, social networking, advertising, lead generation, SEO & more. Love connecting with like-minded individuals. Thanks so much, Mark Stephen Hauser of and my main blog
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RE: Find People Free Ad Thread 10/5-10/12/2009
10/5/2009 12:51:43 PM

Hi Tweeter lovers!! new this week Get more followers & Earn while you Tweet!! Free to join and get $5 bonus for joining.

Travel the world, make more cash to fund more travels, fun, cash, exciting, translations, editing, interpreting, voice-overs
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Kathleen Vanbeekom

13305 Posts
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RE: Find People Free Ad Thread 10/5-10/12/2009
10/5/2009 1:32:00 PM

Thanks, Stephen!

LOTTO MAGIC is soon starting a new support system called "Designated Upline Contact Person"...your upline support is crucial in multi-level marketing and NOW is the perfect time to join Lotto Magic, you'll soon be able to tap into this system thru your backoffice area and get help with closing your prospects into signups!!  Even if your direct sponsor is not available, you will have other leaders above that you can contact to help you convert your prospects into signups, you'll have available help all the way up to administration level.  This support system will create even more explosive growth in Lotto Magic in addition to the enormous growth we've already seen since the beginning of this year.  Lotto Magic's membership has surpassed each previous month's signups, every month this year!

Lotto Magic has been in business for almost 14 years worldwide and is the ONLY worldwide lottery club MLM that's rated A with the Better Business Bureau!  

If you're interested in joining, there are CONFERENCE CALLS explaining the opportunity, every Tuesday night at 9 pm eastern time (this is a Florida call) 1-319-279-1000 pincode 1055075#


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Mickey Mallette

221 Posts
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RE: Find People Free Ad Thread 10/5-10/12/2009
10/5/2009 1:54:07 PM

If you are looking for more contacts I found an amazing tool to get skype contacts.

Good Luck with your venture



It's not hard making money.
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RE: Find People Free Ad Thread 10/5-10/12/2009
10/15/2009 1:47:47 PM
Read this article to learn how Tissa started building a solid residualincome online with affiliate commissions earned thru Google whileunemployed:

Myfirst payout this year was for $210, which is pretty neat consideringTissa gives you $125 in free commissions just to get started with hisfabulous Acme People Search program! And you get paid $5 per referral,the program is totally free to participate in, you get free advertisingin Google & Yahoo, and there is an option to upgrade and be apaying member for even more benefits if you so choose, but not required.

My second payout a couple of months ago was for $65, and just this week another $70.
Allfor using a program that capitalizes on the fact that over 30% ofinternet searches are people-related. Find an old friend, a familymember, a partner for business or personal.


    * FACT: 30% of all Searches on Google and Yahoo are People Search Related - and Growing!
    * Meet the Demand in this Exploding Niche With Your OWN Automated People Search Engine!
    * Earn Affiliate Commissions EVERY TIME Someone Uses Your Search Engine to Get Results!
    * Build a Residual Income Stream From GDI Using the Search Engine's Own Referral Program!
    * FREE Advertising of Your Search Engine in Google and Yahoo So You Can Start PROFITING!
    * GUARANTEED Commissions of at Least $125 Within 24 Hours of Starting Your FREE Advertising!

Itonly takes a few minutes to create your own people search engine! Startby entering your email address below. (Your email address is usedSOLELY to communicate with you about profiting from your people searchengine.)
Adlandpro is one of my fave sites as the people are fanta-bulous, the networking is great, having a place to share ads and info rocks! For over 20 years now I've been part of a huge T.E.A.M., where "Together Everyone Achieves More." Our dreams and goals are to help as many folks succeed as possible no matter what occupation or biz you are in. I have 3 main blogs or websites, including expertise in blogging, forums, communities, network marketing, social networking, advertising, lead generation, SEO & more. Love connecting with like-minded individuals. Thanks so much, Mark Stephen Hauser of and my main blog
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