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Jim Allen

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9/22/2009 2:42:34 PM







AS I PASS THIS ON TO MANY IN MY ADDRESS BOOK, I AM AWARE OF THE FACT THAT SOME DAY I MAY NOT HAVE THE FREEDOM TO DO SO. VERY SCARY THOUGHT. And if you are watching what is going all around you, then you know what I mean. If this email doesn't make any sense to you, then you are in deep trouble. This would mean you are not aware of what is going on all around you.


I have noted that many elected officials, both Democrats and Republicans, called upon America to unite behind Obama.  

Well, I want to make it clear to all who will listen that I AM NOT uniting behind Obama!  I didn't unite behind Obama!  I will respect the Office which he holds, and I will acknowledge his abilities as an orator and word smith and pray for him, BUT that is it...  

I have begun today to see what I can do to make sure that He is a one-term President!

Why am I doing this? Because  

It is because
I do not share Obama's vision or Value system for America ;  

I do not share his Abortion beliefs; 

I do not share his radical Marxist's concept of re-distributing wealth;

I do not share his stated views on raising taxes on those who make $150,000+ (the ceiling has been changed three times since August);

I do not share his view that America is Arrogant;

I do not share his view that America is not a Christian Nation; (THIS JUST SHOWS HE CERTAINLY ISN'T UP ON HIS AMERICAN HISTORY!)

I do not share his view that the military should be reduced by 25%; 

I do not share his view of amnesty and giving more to illegal's than American Citizens who need help;


I do not share his views on homosexuality and his definition of marriage;

I do not share his views that Radical Islam is our friend and Israel is our enemy who should give up any land; 


I do not share his spiritual beliefs (at least the ones he has made public);

I do not share his beliefs on how to re-work the healthcare system in America ;

I do not share his Strategic views of the Middle East, and certainly do not share his plan to sit down with terrorist regimes such as Iran.

Bottom line, my America is vastly different from Obama's, and I have a higher obligation to my Country and my God to do what is Right! 

For eight (8) years, the Liberals in our Society, led by numerous entertainers who would have no platform and no real credibility but for their celebrity status, have attacked President Bush, his family, and his spiritual beliefs!  

They have not moved toward the center in their beliefs and their philosophies, and they never came together nor compromised their personal beliefs for the betterment of our Country! They have portrayed my America as a land where everything is tolerated except being intolerant! 

They have been a vocal and irreverent minority for years; they have mocked and attacked the very core values so important to the founding and growth of our Country!  

They have made every effort to remove the name of God or Jesus Christ from our Society!


They have challenged capital punishment, the right to bear firearms, and the most basic principles of our criminal code; they have attacked one of the most fundamental of all Freedoms, the right of free speech!  And, they forgot what this country was built on... Christian principles!  They fail to realize when they took "God out of everything" this country went on a downhill spiral fast and still is!

Unite behind Obama?  Never!

I refuse to retreat one more inch in favor of those whom I believe are the Embodiment of Evil!


Made mistakes during his Presidency, (EVERY PRESIDENT DOES) however; I believe that he weighed his decisions in light of the long established Judeo-Christian principles of our Founding Fathers!!!

Majority rules in America, and I will honor the concept; however, I will fight with all of my power to be a voice in opposition to Obama and "his goals for


America "  Because I am  Proud to be American

I am going to be a thorn in the side of those who, if left unchecked, will destroy our Country!! Any more compromise is more defeat!

I pray that now Obama is President and has shown his true colors, everyone concerned will wake up the many who have  sat on the sidelines and allowed the Socialist-Marxist anti-God crowd to slowly change so much of what has been good in America! 

"Error of Opinion may be tolerated where Reason is left free to combat it." - Thomas Jefferson 


"If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under."- Ronald Reagan




Pass this on if you agree.  If you disagree just delete.



May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

Jim Allen

11253 Posts
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Person Of The Week
9/30/2009 1:38:25 PM

First let me begin this post by saying,"I AM NOT the Author"  with that said this observation below by the Canada Free Press.

Obama has now become a noose....
Jim Bramlett
Sep 25, 2009

Dear friends:
Below is an informative and sobering article

from the Canada Free Press about Obama's

fall and what it might mean for America. If

what he sees comes to pass, the blame will

be put on conservative, patriotic Americans,

and the media will see to it. The blame game

is already in progress.
The author believes Obama will soon be brought

down by the same people who put him in power.
Author JB Williams is a business man and a

no-nonsense commentator on American politics,

American history, and American philosophy. He

is published nationwide and in many countries

around the world.

Obama's Well Organized Community Is Falling


Obama has now become a noose around the

neck of every American Democrat!

By JB Williams Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It's now official-the average American is not as

stupid as Washington DC Democrats and their

international leftist friends thought. Their mystery

messiah has already gone from hero to zero after

only seven months in power, and Obama has

now become a noose around the neck of every

American Democrat, and every international fascist

who "hoped" Obama could usher in Marxist


Nobody can organize a community like a good

old fashioned communist thug can. It worked

long enough to put a mystery man in the Oval

Office, thanks to international socialists working

through CPUSA - SPUSA and DSAUSA, funded

by literally hundreds of leftist front-groups

operating as special interest 527 organizations.

Here's a short list of the BIGGEST leftist front

groups - America Coming Together - Joint Victory

Campaign 2004 - Media Fund - Service Employees

International Union - American Federation of State,

County, and Municipal Employees - -

New Democrat Network - Sierra Club - EMILY's

List - AFL-CIO - League of Conservation Voters.

Who spends an obscene $1 Billion dollars to win

a lousy $400,000 per year job, and why?

The people behind Obama expect a return on

their investment. And they are NOT the kind of folks

you want to disappoint. These folks make Capone

look like a choir boy.

Before the ink was dry on Obama's fake

Certification of Live Birth (not to be confused with

an actual birth certificate), Obamanation was off to

confiscate control of banking, insurance, energy

and auto manufacturing. Before they knew what

was happening, the American people woke up the

proud new owner of Government Motors and $13

Trillion in debt.

But it wasn't until Obamanation tried to confiscate

control of 1/7th of the US economy by nationalizing

the private American health care industry that the

people took to the streets in protest.

On the heels of dozens of angry Town Hall meetings

turned public tar and feathering parties for countless

career DC bureaucrats, Obama and his Democrat

partners in crime found themselves in a historic

freefall from popularity among average American

taxpayers. Eight months into office, Obama has

bounced Jimmy Carter from his famous position as

America's worst president.

The people behind the puppet in our Oval Office

did what leftists always do. They over-estimated

themselves, under-estimated the American people,

and over-played their hand. They actually thought

that Americans would sit quiet as unbridled leftists

trampled all over 300 million Americans. That was

the good news.

As Obama becomes an anvil chained around the

neck of DC and international leftists, he becomes

a liability to their agenda. These folks have an

interesting way of dealing with political liabilities.

Losing control of their agenda and in a power-slide

towards the bottomless pit of political has-beens,

Democrats are desperate to keep their

international friends at bay. But at the same time,

being career politicians always focused on

self-preservation, they must find a way to get

re-elected by people ready to lynch them in

Public Square .

Obama has foolishly allowed himself to be

pushed into a no-win position, in his unlikely

quest to "make history" by becoming the first

"black" mystery messiah allowed to sit at the

big desk with his finger on the red button.

In short, he's in way over his head, just as many

worried would be the case with a freshman

politician complete with blank resume. Nancy "crazy

as an out-house rat" Pelosi is no help and Harry

Reid is headed for the political boneyard no matter


Teddy Kennedy is in no position to lead the young

lad out of the woods, and wannabes like Chucky

Schumer and Bawny Fwank will soon be looking for

an escape hatch of their own.. Time to Bring in the

Heavy Artillery and Circle the Wagons

Since Obama just won't become the "transparent

president" he tricked so many voters into voting for,

the issue of his constitutional conflict won't go away.

$1.35 million in legal defense fees later, the demand

to see proof that he passes Article II requirements is

getting louder.

Despite around the clock media efforts to paint every

constitutionally conscious American a "right-wing racist

Timothy McVeigh," the people seem only further

agitated by the leftist suggestion that NO American

citizen has "proper standing" to question their

employees (elected representatives) on even the

most fundamental questions.

Obama's problem with Americans isn't the color of his

skin. It's the bright RED color of his belief system and

agenda. He is undoubtedly making mentors like Saul

Alinsky, Frank Marshal Davis and Bill Ayers quite

proud. But he is clearly losing the support of many

Americans in that effort.

Before the dissent gets any wider spread, they have

to do something.

Out of nowhere comes Obama's "experts" on national

security, the Southern Poverty Law Center. At the

time of SPLC's founding, Julian Bond, who currently

chairs the NAACP, was named the fledgling group's

first President.

On the basis of these folks, Obama's Department of

Homeland Security issued a "Right-wing Extremist"

threat analysis, labeling every American with a gun or

Bible, or willing to publicly oppose Obama, a "potential

domestic terrorist."

Yesterday, British newspaper The Independent

published a story titled The right-wing crackpots taking

over the mainstream, in which British leftist writer Rupert

Cornwell proceeds to assault all American citizens who

are currently speaking out against Obama's "global"

agenda, and warns of coming civil unrest, and of

course, his authority on the matter is the Southern

Poverty Law Center.

From the report, one SPLC official says, "every element

is in place for a "perfect storm" of home-grown extremism.

For the first time, the detested federal government is run

by a black man."

There ya have it! That was easy! It's all about the "black


"A struggling economy fuels discontent, with illegal

immigrants accused of stealing American jobs."-Or is it

that unemployment has doubled to the highest level

since the great depression, under the "black mans"

brief administration?

"The military, long a breeding ground of the far right,

is sending home veterans in vast numbers."-Yes, those

crazed military veterans.

And don't forget. "Finally there is the internet, which

simultaneously propagates and intensifies the feelings

of true believers-and the conspiracy theories they

devour."-The so-called "birthers" have made headlines

all over the world?

Clearly, Cornwell received his talking points memo from

David Axelrod, who obviously got his from the Southern

Poverty Law Center. The Observer got the memo too,

and they wasted no time attacking every American at

odds with Obama's agenda.

It's American Patriots against the world, or at least

the leftists of the world.

Cornwell concludes, "So might not elements even

further to the right enter the fray-"sovereign citizens" who

believe they are above the law, or the new "Oath Keepers"

movement, of soldiers and police officers past and present,

who believe their duty is to the constitution, not to elected

politicians? Perhaps the healthcare rallies and the SPLC

 report were no coincidence, after all."

Well, let me just say that I think Obama's life could in fact

be in danger, but not from Tea Party protesters, Town Hall

protesters or so-called "birthers." All of these folks are well

aware of the reality that assassinating the first "black"

president would be counter-productive to their agenda.

The Obama press has been burning the midnight oil trying

to make certain that Hillary Clinton's "right-wing conspiracy"

ghosts were set up to take the fall for any misfortunate event

that might befall an increasingly unpopular president. No

"right-winger" is likely to even break wind in Obama's

direction. His leftist international friends are quite another

story however.

These are BIG buck-BIG socialism folks who play by no

particular set of rules, people like George Soros. As

Obama becomes more of a liability than an asset to their

cause, it is his own people who are most likely to make a
martyr out of the mystery messiah.

In the British Observer, writer Paul Harris is even more

extreme in his column, Fears for Barack Obama's safety

as healthcare debate fuels extremism and once again,

we see the report from the Southern Poverty Law


The stage is being set. If anything happens to Obama,

the entire world has been put on notice that Americans

opposed to socialism from a "black" nobody president

who won't even release his birth records, are responsible.

This leaves the door wide open for Obama's own friends

to commit the crime with impunity, as they have already

placed the American patriots' finger-prints on the imaginary

murder weapon.

It would be the perfect crime blamed on the perfect

right-wing storm. It's brilliant!

The leftist press around the world has already accused

and convicted "right-wingers" of the murder. Talk about

your grand conspiracy. Nobody does it better than the

international leftist cabal.

But who is this Southern Poverty Law Center responsible

for all of the recent "hate speech" aimed at constitutionally

concerned American citizens opposed to bankruptcy-by-

communism in America ?

In 2007, SPLC identified 888 separate "active hate groups"

in the United States.

Despite the events of 9/11 and an ongoing threat of

additional terror strikes here and abroad, not one of the

888 "active hate groups" identified was Islamic. Detroit

Michigan had more violent killings than Iraq and

Afghanistan combined, but none of the groups

responsible for those killings made the list of


Only white, capitalist, constitutionalist, Christian,

pro-freedom, in other words, "right-wing extremists"

made the list.

Black on white crime is not "hate." Black on black crime

is not "hate." Muslim on Christian crime is not "hate."

According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, only white,

Christian, capitalists opposed to Marxism and attending

Town Hall meetings are guilty of "hate."

That's what their report says, and everyone from Obama's

DHS and FBI to England's press has bought that report

hook, line and sinker.

I too fear for Obama's life. But not from any of the people

attending Tea Parties or Town Hall meetings in an effort to

talk with their elected representatives.

I fear that Obama's life is increasingly in danger from the

very people who put him in power - The people he is

currently failing, as the American people stand up to stop

his secular socialist global agenda.

I am 100% opposed to the Obama administration and

today's Democrat agenda. But I am here to tell you that

the worst thing that could happen in America today is for

Obama to be assassinated. Every Obama opponent

knows this.. He would be safest if he were guarded

around the clock by American conservatives opposed to

his entire agenda.

Only his leftist partners around the world would benefit

from his assassination. Their agenda would move forward

unchallenged if anything were to happen to Obama or his


As his agenda meets with serious resistance at home, his

puppet masters abroad will lose faith and eventually, their

patience. Only a freshman senator would have fallen for

the trap Obama finds himself in today.

He can't win. If he's very lucky, he can only live to tell about

it one day.

Obama has spent an entire lifetime surrounded by some of

the world's worst thugs. If he is unable to move their agenda

forward, his life will be at risk from within his own ranks.

However, the nation and the world will pay a heavy price, as

both are being conditioned to blame it on average Americans

who simply oppose all forms of intrusive tyrannical government.

As Obama's agenda is shut down by average Americans, his

friends will turn on him. Liberals are already warning him not to

back off on nationalized health care. But the people are not

going to allow it to go forward.

Even though I oppose everything Obama is and everything he

stands for, I pray for his safety. You can bet your last dollar. his

well organized community is falling apart as his agenda begins

to crumble. They will be very motivated to ignite a second civil

war as they watch their agenda die a brutal political death.

Nothing would ignite a second civil war faster than the

assassination of Barack Hussein Obama. I can only pray that

the Secret Service does not take their cues from the Southern

Poverty Law Center. If they are no better at understanding

political security than British op-ed pages, Obama's life is

indeed in danger.

Not from so-called "right-wing extremists" angry over

Obama's blatant disregard for the Constitution today. But

from within his ranks, as those who placed him in power,

become saddled with his failures.


Click on the yellow button at The Hunger Site and give a cup of food to the hungry at no cost to you:



May Wisdom and the knowledge you gained go with you,

Jim Allen III
Skype: JAllen3D
Everything You Need For Online Success

RE: I AM NOT ~ mad at You
10/10/2009 5:45:05 PM

Personally, I do not judge anyone, based on third-hand information.  You know how the "whispering ear circle" works.  By the time one's whisper returns to their ear ~ it is NOT what they initially "whispered".

I admit, currently, reviving from deep depression that began in November 1999 ( election results ) ... and ended November 5, 2008.

Not to BASH Republicans, however, generally Americans suffered  personal economic hardships and/or the business sector      "run-a-muck    in operations.   

  1. When Bush, Sr. was vice to Reagan,   "tax write-off" for personal interests was abolished.   "... Americans are opting to participate in the untaxed underground economy or simply refusing to work extra hours -- or at all."  "If this bracket creep continues into 1984, the 5 tax rate for a family of four will have increased by 60-74 percent. Yet even this staggering tax increase does not take into account the increases in social security taxes." July 13, 1981, An Analysis of the Reagan Tax Cuts and the Democratic Alternative
  • housewives had to go to work to help pay-off charge card debt
  • diminished interest in purchasing new cars ( due to personal interest abolishment )
  • extra income placed family in higher tax bracket ( insult of decreased income due to loss of personal interest "tax write-off" plus injury of added burden to the woman of the house to "keep up a household" and work )

2.  When Quayle, was vice to Bush, Sr. ~ savings and loan crisis

3.  When Dick, was vice to Bush, Jr, Economic Breakdown: Result of Moral Breakdown?

  • real estate investments
  • security loans
  • insured investments
  • securities exchange irregularities
  • invading Iraq


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