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Tim Sebert

160 Posts
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Click here if you have lost money on the internet!
9/20/2009 3:18:40 PM

Dear friend,

Have you ever lost money on the internet ?

Do you know what you can do about it ?

Click on the link below and I'll show you how you can recover all the money you've lost:

Best Regard,

Derek Jamieson

Hey there, glad to connect with you here. In case you haven't noticed, my team and I are crushing the #1 company in all of Direct Sales, GDI. If you want to see what all the fuss is about, go to
RE: Click here if you have lost money on the internet!
9/20/2009 3:31:45 PM


Thanks for the adding me as your friend!
The Bottom Line: We are not selling anything here. People String is about helping others.
Let’s keep in touch!
Patrick Pierre
I'm obligated to share this with you and everyone I'm connected too... It's literally saving lives and giving hope back to many sufferers! Including myself :)
RE: Click here if you have lost money on the internet!
9/20/2009 4:05:18 PM

Helping Other people is what it's all about. People string is an awesome way to make real money and right away.



Best wishes

Kevin Joubert

Thank you and god bless.
RE: Click here if you have lost money on the internet!
9/21/2009 1:09:47 PM
People asking me , "Why did you join EZ Wealth ? " I'd like to answer that question for everyone else who may be wondering also.
As you may know, I've been marketing here online for over 9 years now. I've seen internet programs come and go by the THOUSANDS. I had seen the EZ Wealth websites a countless number of times. So I WAITED, because I wasn't sure...
1. how the program worked
2. if people were making decent money with it
3. how long the company would be around
I actually joined this business because of a good friend of mine and upline joined a week or so before me and had already earned over $1k.
In all honesty, I must say that I'm NOT computer illiterate by no means. I happen to know my way around the net very well. However, the way that I market this program is very simple and does NOT require that YOU know as much as I do.
So to answer that question a little more thoroughly. I joined EZ Wealth because:
1. Cost - It only cost me $10 get started... although I did CHOOSE to purchase a higher product package.
2. Concept - The concept of purchasing downloadable products (buy it ONCE & sell it over & over again)
3. Stability - I didn't join until EZ Wealth was already OVER 1 year old. They had to "prove" to me that this was not just another "fly by night" OR... just another "get rich quick scheme".
4. The income potential - I've seen people earn as much as $6k in a single day!! ...but most importantly, I understood HOW they were able to do it.
5. Simplicity - Easy for the seasoned networker to come in and be in profit on DAY ONE + Easy for the average PERSON to be in profit in WEEK ONE.
6. Marketing Tools - well that speaks for itself. You're reading this email so you already know that the marketing tools WORK!! You can contact your entire database of tour takers at the push of a button with PERSONALIZED emails, PLUS so many other marketing/prospecting tools.
7. Scam Proof - Well, being that the company NEVER even sees or touches the money from your sales... where's the scam??
Those were the MAIN reasons I joined!!
Now, in my professional experience, I've seen a ton of programs out there that CLAIM to have the BEST comp plan in the industry. Others claim to be the MOST affordable... and here's what I have to say to that:
1. In order to have the BEST comp plan, the program MUST pay NO LESS than 100% of ALL sales to the marketers, PERIOD!! ...and that's not just MY opinion. NOTHING beats 100%.
2. In order to be the MOST AFFORDABLE, then that program has to be FREE, with no way to upgrade, PERIOD!!
Now, let's get to the HEART of those 2 statements...
In case you didn't know, in EZ Wealth 100% of EVERY sale is paid to ONE reseller... i.e. sell a $97 product and earn $97 which is NOT shared with ANYONE. Now THAT'S LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE to beat!!
As far as AFFORDABILITY... I never said that WE are the most affordable because we are NOT free. It does cost you a measly 10 bucks to get started. However, if someone can't afford $10 per month to maintain a profitable business then THAT person has no business being IN business. That may sound "harsh" to some people but that is my opinion on "affordability". By the way, when was the last time you heard of a person making $1k per day in a FREE program or even $1k per MONTH for that matter??
...and if you think that you CAN make more than my team is making by joining a FREE program then I wish you the best in your "wild goose hunt":-)
In closing...
Here's what I REALLY want you to understand. ALL of this info that I just gave you means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING if you do NOT have a team of professionals supporting YOU and YOUR networking team!!
All that's left for you to do is become a reseller for 10 bucks per month. Your sponsor will purchase your first package for you... which means you'll have access to 100 digital products that you can resell.
For those who want to earn with us then after you've upgraded to a reseller... send a message to your sponsor with "Add me to Team Precision" in the subject line. Your sponsor knows what to do at that point.
But be sure that you have upgraded FIRST, or you won't be added to our special training/support team.

Vedran Malet


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