
James Al-Oboudi - He's done it again for us. - TWP
9/20/2009 1:12:02 PM

You know the name - James Al-Oboudi - He's done it again for us.

This business has been designed in every way to get you into
profit and earning a livable income as fast as mathematically
possible.  In every way it has been designed to be extremely
marketable while giving no member any reason to leave.....ever.

Launching in October
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Become pioneer members of what will soon revolutionize the MLM,
home-based business, and affiliate marketing industry forever.

Free to join.
 -  -

+ Break even and recoup your monthly membership fee with only
two referrals,
+ a mathematically impossible to beat rate of spillover,
+ a 96.8% direct payout,
+ ability to earn an average 450% more per person than the owner
+ receive a monthly income of $2,330 a month with only 510 people
+ impressive list of products and services provided to all members
at a fraction of their cost.

1. Professional Web Hosting with UNLIMITED Web Space.
2. Web Hosting Reselling.
3. Personal auto-responders for members to use as they wish..
4. Pre-made capture pages.
5. Ability to create your own capture pages.
6. Company Auto-responder
7. Online conference rooms.
8. James Al-Oboudi's 24 page marketing e-book.
9. Ongoing personal marketing training through our support forum.
10. Digital File storage. - Backup your important files
11. Free (optional) integration with Google Apps.
...and much, much, more ...
 - -

To all of you experienced marketers, I very strongly encourage
you to make contact with your downline.  Remember, these
people are now your team and are working to make you money, so
teach them everything you know and build a mutually beneficial
business relationship with them, teaching them to earn a living
while they work to do the same for you.

to our success

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RE: James Al-Oboudi - He's done it again for us. - TWP
9/20/2009 2:42:47 PM
Thanks for stopping by!
My downline is now getting spillover from me. You will too if you join - It's free! It does not launch until October so get in now at the top.
To your Success,
Pat Pie
I'm obligated to share this with you and everyone I'm connected too... It's literally saving lives and giving hope back to many sufferers! Including myself :)
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