This is NOT a Multi-Level Marketing (MLM), Pyramid or Matrix Program! This is your very own reseller site, advertising, and marketing material. Your mini-site (exactly like this one) will automatically sell $3 packages for you...
"This is NOT (MLM) - There are absolutely NO levels"! |
Simply how it works is when your fully automated ($3 Dollar Millions) mini-site sells one $6 package, you've made $3 bucks... it sells ten $3 packages, you've made $30... it sells one hundred $3 packages, you've made $300... it sells one thousand $3 packages, you've made $3000... it sells one million $3 packages, you've made $3,000,000... and so on! It's really that simple... and EVERY $6 package sends $3 to your Payment Processor or Moneybooker account (that's 50% profit... forever)!
Even if it took 5 years to sell one million $3 mini-site packages, wouldn't it be worth it?
PLUS: because with just 2 sales of your 3 Dollar Millions mini-website you are ready to make money forever..
EACH month you will continue to receive another $3 payment from each sale..
UNLIKE any other mini-website 3 Dollar Millions delivers $3 payments to you month after month..
click here for details