Ever wanted to go on vacation and realized how much it was going to cost $$$. Ever wonder why you never pay a travel agent to book trips for you. Here is the oprutunity to turn all that around. Have resorts, cruise lines, hotels, car rental companies and many others give you 50% or better discounts to stay with them or use their services so that you would refer to your customers. My last trip to DisneyWorld for 4 days, Hotel, Parks and meals cost $265.00 for my wife and I together. I am able to give friends and family great trips at reasonable prices, dream vacations made reasonable and within their budgets! I have always wanted to see the world and this way I will be able to and so could you, at a fraction of the price!
For a limited time 20 Sept 2009 you are able to join for $15.00 not the $199.00 or $399.00, use the voucher # A1565343011
David Clawson