The Da Vinci Code is indeed a novel,in that it is fictitious literature of events that are not actual, such as: FICTION: The marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. (Chapter 58, page 244). FACT: The Holy Bible says that there will be those who "...spread error concerning the Lord...." (Isaiah 32:6). FICTION: Mary Magdalene the prostitute. (Chapter 58, Pages. 243-244). FACT: The Holy Bible does not indicate that Mary Magdalene was ever a prostitute. The Holy Bible reveals that she was demon possessed, in that the Gospel of Luke describes her as a woman from whom seven demons had gone out. (Luke 8:1-3). FACT: In 1969 the Catholic Church officially corrected Pope Gregory The Great erroneous statement of Mary Magdalene being a prostitute. Reference: Catholic News Service, Online, May 2, 2006. See,http://www.catholic.org/national/national_story.php?id=19680
FICTION: Dan Brown further writes: "...almost everything our fathers taught us about Christ is false." (Chapter 55, Page 235). FACT: The Holy Bible warns us that there will be those "...exchanging the truth of God for a lie,...." (Romans 1:25). FACT: It is Biblically evident that "some people (like Dan Brown) are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ." (Galatians 1:7).