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Kay Reeve

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Don't forget to brush your teeth!
9/9/2009 9:34:34 PM

"Don't forget to brush your teeth!"  

It's an age old saying we all grew up with.  Mothers Aunts and Grandmothers drumming the words into us over and over.  But did we consider how un-eco friendly it is to brush our teeth?

Well it is!  And now we know it's a hazard - what can we do about it?

Firstly, we can change our toothpaste from one full of dodgy chemicals to either an organic toothpaste or even an SLS free toothpaste with natural mint that won't sour the taste of your morning coffee.

To find our more about what is in toothpaste you can read the following blog post by Green East.

Another option is to look for a toothbrush that is ideally made of wood with natural bristles rather than adding to the mountain of plastic toothbrushes that will remain in landfill for ever.  Alternatively if you can't get wooden ones or simply don't like the idea, try a toothbrush where you replace the head only and re-use the handle as much as possible.

I chose this subject as it should be the first and last thing you do every day - so what better place to start going green that with brushing your teeth.  See that wasn't so difficult!

You can even introduct little ones to the delights of Organic Mandarin Toothpaste rather than deter them with the over powerful mint concoctions we are all familiar with today.

RE: Don't forget to brush your teeth!
9/22/2009 11:42:06 PM

Hello Kay,

Good advice, especially since good dental hygiene has been linked to the potential prevention of heart disease and other ailments.

Best of luck and thank you for the info.

Have a great day!



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