Hi, Check this one out:
15 Dollars an Hour by Clicking - No Joke!!
Hi Folks,
Brand New Program That Has Paid Out Already $8,000 to It's Total 700+ Members.
New people are coming in by the droves.
This is something to get excited about!
Here is a way that you can make $15.00 per HOUR
by simply clicking on ads. I just did this tonight.
This is not your standard fly by night, run of the mill,
surf site where your money gets tied up for weeks or
even months so please hear me out and read this
The name of this company is AdFlasher dot net and they
started in August.
One of the payment processors they use is PayPal.
I received word from up-line that PayPal is familiar
with AdFlasher.net and they gave them their approval
to use PayPal’s services.
You also may use AlertPay or Google Checkout.
In a nutshell here’s how it works…
1.) You register on the site.
2.) Login and complete your profile.
3.) Purchase a minimum of $15.00 worth of “View Packs”
using one of the above processors.
4.) Then click on “Ad Viewer”
5.) A full page screen will come up with 54 boxes on
it that looks like 54 classified ads.
6.) A yellow highlight will randomly light up the
boxes flashing all over the page.
7.) Once you see a 4 second timer appear in one
of the boxes click on that box and a full page
ad will appear. (Sometimes you have to double click)
8.) Let the ad fully load and stay on that page/ad
for 4 – 5 seconds.
9.) Then click on “Close” in the upper right hand
corner of the ad and repeat the process.
10.) Each time you complete this process 2 – 3
times you will receive .30 cents. The system
goes pretty fast but it’s easy to do. I did this
tonight for 2 hours and turned my $15.00
into $30.
The minimum that you can withdraw is $30.00
so tomorrow I will re-spend my $30.00 back into
“View Packs” and turn that into $60.00.
I will then withdraw $30.00 to PayPal and repeat
the process again and again. This will average
out to $15.00 per hour.
If I do this just 2 hours a night I can make
$210.00 per week or $840.00 per month.
If I do this 4 hours a night I can make
$420.00 per week or $1680.00 per month.
If you can click more then you can make more!
Take a FREE position and have a look around.
I will share more info with you as I learn more.
http://trafficpython.com/x/ lin...
http://trafficpython.com/x/ links/237725
http://trafficpython.com/x/ links/237725
Just to be clear… I have NOT been paid on this
yet but my upline has. Here is what they said:
“My partner tried it before me and he has done it
now for 4 days and he has done it for 4 hours each
day and has been paid to his Pay Pal account $240.00
and it has cleared his Pay Pal account.”
Ok – That’s it for now. Please let me know
if you have any questions and I will be in touch soon.
Thank you,
Derek A. Duncan
POB 20595
Long Beach CA. 90801
562 983 7659
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