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Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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Deciphering 999 and Judeo-Chrisitan Theology
9/5/2009 1:00:52 PM


Deciphering 999 and Judeo-Chrisitan Theology

There are more than 30 million internet domains on 999. What do we know from 888. Well it was said it is a lucky number as 888 symbolizes JESUS. Amongst many things numerologists suggested was taht couples in love should get married August 8th, 2008, to start their new blessed life. JESUS, LOVE, PISCES, based on lots of empty words. While the short minded and ignorant people believe in all this number-**** without having a basis on the real meaning of the numbers others more clever by using them are making a fortune.

Last year on 888 (August 8th, 2008) there were two big happenings of value to discuss.

  • Olympic Games opening in Beijing
  • The war in South-Ossetia started

I wonder where those pore pure minded Ossetinian couples who decided to get married on 888 and their protector Jesus were hidden when the Zion-instructed bombs hit their churches and their homes.

Normally only bad things happen on specific sacred dates like 888.

Playing with the numbers as the astrologs and numerologists use them I can just laugh.

Following their calculations 1/9 ~ 0.1111, 2/9 ~ 0.2222, 3/9 ~ 0.3333, 4/9 ~ 0.4444, 5/9 ~ 0.5555, 6/9 ~ 0.6666, 7/9 ~ 0.7777, 8/9 ~ 0.8888 and the logical extension for 9/9 should be ~ 0.9999 ???, 9/9 =1. WHY? Could 999 be Sept 09th, 2007.

Here is the basis for real arithmology (numerology).

999 – a numerological perspective: In numerology, 999 is the point of transformation, an inverted 666, the moment at which we shift a crisis in the direction of an opportunity. In Taoism, this is known as 圍棋 ‘wei-chi’, a Chinese character which means both ‘crisis’ AND ‘opportunity’.

999 comes from Pythagorean numerology means triple substance of GOD equal to TRINITY (male, female, spiritual [Christianity took this and changed it to God, Son and Holy Spirit]). Trinity in this case is a complete circle of creation.

How did the Greeks define it: a) the Greek letter "Θ" ΤΗΕΤΑ (ΘHTA 9+8+300+1=318) and b) HELIOS (ΗΛΙΟΣ 8+30+10+70+200=318). Ra is the sun god in form of Theta (Θ) symbolized by a solar disc with a nuclear center, now Θ-Θ-Θ are 999 because ΘΗΤΑ*π=999 equal HELIOS *π=999

ΤΡΙΑΔΙΚΟΣ ΘΕΟΣ (Triadic God, Trinity)



This is strange like many other things that scholars are talking about . They call it Aeyptiology, but they can not convince me because Ra was born ih HELIOPOLIS (city of the sun [HELIOS]), a town where the ennead of gods were born, a city founded by Greeks. As for Theta (Θ) one thing more. It is the letter for Θεός (Theos), Deus, Zeus, Jove, JAHVE. All variatioms derive from same Greek root and they they are SUN GOD RA or AMON RA, god of life, because without the sun there is no photosyntesis which is the reason for life to exist.

  • Sun God Ra was described as being God of Sun and the Universe and embodies the cycle of birth, life and death

AMON RA- Ramses

Click Video clip (Part I), (Part II), (Part III)

Kindly Regards,


ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Luka Babic

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RE: Dechiffering 999 and Judeo-Chrisitan Theology
9/5/2009 1:17:36 PM

Hello Georgios !

How are you my friend?

Haven`t seen you a pretty long time.

Thanks for this interesting reading. I do not know anything on the subject, so can`t give any constructive contribution. But knowing you - I am sure it is worthy to be read.

Best wishes to you and family!



Georgios Paraskevopoulos

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RE: Dechiffering 999 and Judeo-Chrisitan Theology
9/5/2009 3:09:23 PM

Hi Luka!

Thank you for the visit, your clip. I am fine. This period of the year I ma very busy and will not be much on line.

As for the subject, yes it is a subject to stay law when not having the knowledge of the origin, the scripts or the or the variations eventual stealings from other cultures, etc. Religion is a difficult subject to discuss.

Have a great week end,


ETERNAL WISDOM-Know ThySelf, PHILOXENIA MetaCafe, Adlanders In Facebook
Kathleen Vanbeekom

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RE: Dechiffering 999 and Judeo-Chrisitan Theology
9/5/2009 3:36:18 PM

Hi Georgios,

I often wonder if the beginning of the calendars was correct, and how is it proven correct?  What if we've all been on the wrong date since the beginning of time, therefore making everything after that at the wrong date?

Also about God/gods, not provable that there are, so with the unprovable beginning dates on calendars, it's all fairy tales.

I believe in numbers for counting tangible items, but not for the passage of thousands of years according to calendars with unverifiable start dates, time can only be counted by the rotation of the earth, not by numbers.

Thanks Luka, for the beautiful video and quotes, I watched the entire thing, the earth is well worth looking at, but not measuring away in numbers on calendars.

Alain Deguire

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RE: Dechiffering 999 and Judeo-Chrisitan Theology
9/5/2009 5:54:01 PM

Hello Dear Georgios!

Thank You for this outstanding post My Friend...

These three videos are simply Incredible... THANK YOU so much for sharing...

I think you should post them on the Mountain... even though they might be quite disturbing!

Aren't we all looking for the TRUTH?

May LIGHT Be...

Have an Outstanding Weekend My Friend,


