For those that do not wish to receive marketing messages from strangers ( sometimes called spam by those that fail to set up their profiles properly) they can go to the following page after logging in and adjust the notifications coming from the community.
By placing a checkmark in the appropiate box ypou can disable many of the notifications coming to you email inbox and PM box here on ALP. Learning the system goes along way to curtail sourpusses and complaints of spam in a community based on classified advertising. The social side is just an added plus.
Disable all notifications.
Disable forum notifications.
Disable forum popups, when someone makes a post.
Disable friend invitation notifications.
Hide my profile from other users.
Disable commenting on your profile.
Disable direct messages.
Disable instant messages.
Display online users on bottom left corner of screen.
I hope this helps those that yell spam that have NOT done the above.