Hi Guys,
I'm thinking of adding a subscription advertising system to my freenetlinx search engine. Basically the way it would work is that it costs $11 or $12 per month to advertise and there would be a commercial section below the free search results and the advertisments would show up here.
I would like to use an MLM style system to allow for greater coverage. ie the MLM folk would join/ advertise thier own site for the subscription cost and then as they refer others recieve a monthly payment for people they refer. The advantage of this for me is that I don't need to advertise the site so much.
Ok the question I've got for discussion is this. What is the best/fairest payment system to use?
I personaly like the simple $11 cost of subscription and every referral recieves $1 down to 10 levels. so at the 10th lvl $9 goes to referals up the line, $1 goes to me for programming and running the site, and $1 goes to advertising to get new advertisers. I may need to add another $1 to pay for paypal money transfers.
BTW I still haven't programmed this system yet so any advise you can give you be greatly appreciated.
What do you all think?