Thanks so much for sending the info on your business opportunity. I am very familiar wth Infinity. As far as making money is concerned, I have managed to hit a grand slam by being one of the founding members of Donald Trump's new business that is scheduled to launch in November. I figured if I was going to play, I may as well play BIG! There is no other Brand as large or with as much prestige as TRUMP. This company will be the prestige benchmark for network marketing in the future. We have a window of time to put a team in place and make money before the media blitz in November. (Starting some Press releases in September).
I appreciate your offering me your opportunity and would like to return the favor of letting you see what we are doing in case you want to play on a bigger level. I work with the top income earner in the company (Doug Tumen) and am with the most successful team in the company with everything you need to help your people achieve success quickly and seamlessly.
So take a look at our websites and if you have an interest, let me know, and I or one my partners can answer any questions you may have. What ever you decide to do, I wish you the best of luck.
Vessie Cottrell
(661) 998-5220 home office
Founding Independent Marketer
The Trump Network
11 min presentation: