
Tom Sparrow

666 Posts
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Why Choose Liberty Health Network, LLC over ALL other home based businesses?
8/30/2009 2:08:21 PM

Why Choose Liberty Health Network, LLC over ALL other home based businesses? Simple!

Simply watch my You Tube Video first>  Then read and compare below!

Here are the KEY points to remember when you make the choice on your lifetime program! The KEY is simplicity, duplication, and HIGH retention!!!

1] High payouts without a ton of hoops to jump through plus the BEST payout in the entire industry of 75% on the 4 X 5 Matrix and a car bonus of 5% on the 7th level which is easy to achieve!

2] Best health & skin care products at the lowest prices and the highest quality (results driven).

3] A variety of products to choose from (not just juices or energy drinks).

4] Free sign up, 60 day 100% money back guarantee.

5] Low monthly auto ship of $30.00 or above to earn commissions.

6] 60% fast start bonus which is unheard in this industry!

7] Timing so that you have a huge market instead of a saturated one!

8] Free web sites to use with NO monthly charges!

9] The BEST arena to be in which is the wellness and skin care industry.

10] Best support group at LHN is our group, Staff Infinity>

11] Leads that are great unlike most of us are used to and systems too!

***I truly understand that you have to have a passion for this industry of health and wellness plus skin care, but consider this...if you do not have health, what good is money to you? It is also the ONLY industry that has stood the test of time! No other ones have like travel, telecom, cash gifting, money games, affiliate types, etc...ALL of these types of programs usually last about 1-3 years and then they are gone and so is your residual income! I hate starting over again and again, how about you? If you simply compare LHN to ANY other health and wellness plus skin care company out there, you will see why, after being full time since 1990, I chose LHN as the best of the best for everyone's success and not just the players! CHALLENGE-Show me a better program to join and I will sign up today!***

PS-I am not here to chase anyone and this may be the only email you get, so it is up to you to compare LHN and see why I have made this choice! No matter what, I wish you all the very best in your choice of a home based business!

Tom Sparrow-CEO
Health Innovations& Marketing, Inc.
Skype: tom.sparrow53

Tom Sparrow-CEO Health Innovations & Marketing, Inc. (FULL PROFILE) Skype: tom.sparrow53 248-624-0942 or 248-705-9716
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RE: Why Choose Liberty Health Network, LLC over ALL other home based businesses?
8/30/2009 2:39:55 PM

I can only trust a few people with this ancient secret …


Can I trust you with this money-making secret ?...


Marc and Terry Goldman have entrusted me to let you in on a

little secret.


Actually, it's not a little secret at's a

life-changing secret.


If you ever wanted to discover a way to create money from nothing

(and I do mean nothing), you now have that opportunity (if you're

fast enough, I can't share this with everyone).


If you're in a hurry, and can't bear the suspense, you can check

out this ancient secret here.


13 years ago, Marc and Terry were living in tough times...


they were $45,000 in debt

they were living in a small one-bedroom apartment

they were struggling to pay their bills

they didn't even have two nickels to rub together

they failed to start business opportunity after business opportunity

they wondered where their next meal was coming from at times


But the cool part is, after reaching deep down to find the

Resolve  to succeed during these tough times...they discovered

an ancient money-making secret from a private detective from

Magnolia,  Mississippi.


This secret dates way back in history...and has been passed down

from teacher  to disciple over the course of many centuries

(this is your chance to make serious money easily, and perhaps

become the teacher yourself should you choose).


Because myself and Marc are close personally, he has allowed me

to share this secret with you as a subscriber to my list.


But he is limiting access to this prized ancient secret to a

select few people in total, as tradition has dictated over the

last few centuries.  So if you're interested in generating a

dependable stream of income with no experience, no product,

and no customer list at matter what situation you

find yourself in right now...


You need to head on over to

 and join the

select few who have changed their lives using this prized

information (like Marc and Terry Goldman have). 


I give it my highest recommendation.


Vitaly Butin


Vitaly Butin
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Levi Manners

164 Posts
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RE: Why Choose Liberty Health Network, LLC over ALL other home based businesses?
8/30/2009 8:19:57 PM

Promote unlimited websites.

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