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New to AdlandPro? Introduce Yourself Here. No Ads.
8/30/2009 12:59:49 PM

It's always difficult getting settled into a new community.  AdlandPro is a community, but most of the neighbors here are pretty nice.  It's just that with so many things for you to learn about your new neighborhood, and your neighbors being already involved in so many other activities, they don't always know you moved in.


If you are new to the community, tell us a bit about yourself...why you're here and what you hope to do.  You can even mention your business and include a link, but NO ADS PLEASE!

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Have a great day!


P.S.  I have added the feed for this forum topic to my iGoogle page which means that Google will be visiting frequently as well!

Bill Brown

480 Posts
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RE: New to AdlandPro? Introduce Yourself Here. No Ads.
9/9/2009 4:29:00 PM

Hello Don,

I am very service oriented and  offer services for site owners.

I wont plug any of them here  as those that are interested can always look at my signature or go check out my profile.

I don't take part in MLM as I have learned my lessons the hard way.

I am also very anti getting ads in my  "Send a message" in box. It is my opinion that there are more than enough ways to advertise here without abusing the contact system.


Hello to Bill Brown
9/10/2009 11:37:47 PM

Hello Bill Brown,

Thank you for dropping by and introducing yourself.

Have a great day.


Carol Kirkland

1 Posts
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RE: New to AdlandPro? Introduce Yourself Here. No Ads.
9/10/2009 11:54:31 PM

Yes I am pretty new to AdlandPro . Desire to build meaningful relationships,To learn and share  helpful tips, based on strong emotions and desire which will be constructive.

 Carol Kirkland

Greetings Carole Kirkland
9/11/2009 12:15:29 AM

Hello Carole Kirkland!

Thank you for taking the time to drop by and leave us some info about yourself.  Best of luck to you in all your endeavors.

Have a great day!



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