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Leon Horton

444 Posts
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Carl V Enlow Jr.
10/17/2006 10:28:38 PM
Hi Carl, I appreciate your ability to connect with people... I like your style. You would do well with my program! Peace and prosperity to you and yours, Leon Horton
Carl V Enlow Jr.
10/17/2006 10:28:38 PM
Thanks Leon, I appreciate you giving me a 1, my wife says she already knew I was a 10-lol Carl V Enlow
Joelees Wholesale

5917 Posts
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Carl V Enlow Jr.
10/23/2006 1:17:44 PM
Hi Carl, Thank you for the warm invite :-) I'm honored be to a member of your adland family God speed my new friend :-)Lee
Carl V Enlow Jr.
10/23/2006 1:17:44 PM
Thanks for your 10 rating I apprciate ypu. Carl V Enlow
Tim Southernwood

839 Posts
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Carl V Enlow Jr.
10/25/2006 9:49:54 PM
We may not agree on business issues Carl, but we can still be friends. Best regards, Tim
Tim Southernwood/Get eH² Packs!/BlogNet Awards We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act but a habit - Aristotle

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