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Marcel Lajoie
5/28/2005 7:51:42 PM
Good evening: My name is Lucy Johansen. Welcome to AdLandPro friends Marcel! My favorite slogan is "We never have too many friends". I am 66 years young and a grandmother of 9 grandchildren. I agree with your philosophy. Life, at our age, is just beginning! (I'll do the "rating" later.) Sincerely, Lucy
Lucy Johansen
Marcel Lajoie

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Marcel Lajoie
5/28/2005 7:51:42 PM
Hi Lucy Sorry it took so long to get back to you but I am new at AdlandPro and just saw these ratings. Thank you for yours. Yes today life can be a beginning at any age. Even 66. I re-started mine at 50. 8 years later I feel like 40 and still look 50 or better. You did not review my FREE Ebook Please do Did you see my offer? I am sure you have realtives and freinds that would love to slow down their aging process. But please don't wait to long, my product is not a miracle drug! You can and will enjoy life with your grandchildren and YES even their children Talk to you soon Marcel
Marcel Lajoie
6/7/2005 5:47:59 PM
Hi Marcel Just came from your webpage, must say, it is beautiful. And of course, the content is also important. Much Success to You!!! Robin
Marcel Lajoie

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Marcel Lajoie
6/7/2005 5:47:59 PM
Hi Robin Sorry to take so long to answer, I am new at AdlandPro and just saw these ratings. Thank you for yours. How is business? I do hope you have a day job? I know you are only 42 but you should look at planning your aging process and start building a very lucrative second income on something that will sell itself. Your own results will attrack new and new life long friends! Your family, your relatives and your friends will see the results on you and they will want it. You did not read my FREE Ebook on Aging. PLease do. It tells the truth about Aging and does not endorse any products. Did you see my offer? NO Investment NO Inventory NO Minimum purchase -No- Pressure selling and your first bottle FREE. Your comments on the book and my offer would be greatly appreciated Talk to you soon Marcel
Lee Talmadge

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Marcel Lajoie
6/10/2005 1:07:55 PM
Hi Mike Nice work on your website . Best wishes