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Craftie Linda

1349 Posts
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Money Money
12/12/2005 9:57:32 PM
To All My Dear Friends at Adland Just a little thought. The Thousands of Auto Surf Programmes on the internet. Does any of them provide you with real cash? Iwould like to know if there is any that do who they are? You are welcome to post your experiences here Thanks Linda
Lola Vanslette

87 Posts
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Re: Money Money
12/12/2005 10:14:49 PM
Hello, As for me, I have tried so many surf for cash, emails for cash, surf for yet, none have paid me. (and I think I have covered about 30 to 40 in the past 7 years.) Let me know if you find any, I've lost faith in them. Your friend, Lola A
Ron Stouder

277 Posts
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Re: Money Money
12/12/2005 10:22:30 PM
Hi Linda, Great question. Interesting how "cash" don't always really mean cash huh. Like most of the rest of the internet, and the "real world" too for that matter, unless I've seen it for myself, or it comes from someone I feel as if I know, etc., or already have some personal knowledge, and so on, I will have to pass. The various answers you get on this should be pretty interesting. There are many good, valid cash earning businesses on the internet. Finding them sometimes takes a little work. ron s.
Ron Stouder
Diana Briere

243 Posts
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Re: Money Money
12/12/2005 10:30:28 PM
Hi all. Have you tried 12dailypro? If you have what was the bad experience?If you speak to Jill Bachman she will give high recomendations for this one that shes been in for some time now. I have been in about 3 weeks and have some cash pending. It takes 7 days to go through the system and then they send you a cheque at your request through Storm Pay. Give it a try its free to start for 7 days. That way you can get the feel of it. It is a $6.00 upgrade to start collecting money for it. and $6.00 incruments, Your choice as to much you want to invest. From Diana
Re: Money Money
12/12/2005 10:30:50 PM
Hi Linda, I have actually gotten paid from and from They are both auto and manual traffic exchanges. With Productsonly, you surf and get credits and win contests.When you get enough points 2500(easy to do when you win the surfing contests), you trade it in for shares at the shares cycle, and they do,you get money.I have cashed out 4 times already(it has a$10.00 minimum payout and used my winning to buy things at their FREE auction site Here is the URL Tell them aweston39 sent you. Hope this helps!!!

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