Hi Carlos
Thanks for the good rating. I needed that !!! Here are a number of good thoughts about HTML and how you can become a top gun really quick.
First off, go to my website
http://www.secure-webconference.citymax.com. I did that website in SEVEN DAYS and knew very little HTML. This included putting in the Google Adsense ads. How did I do it? Go to www.citymax.com and they will literally hold your hand as you try to put up a website of your own. The first 7 days are free, and then the cost is $20 a month thereafter.
Secondly, go to http://www.html-secrets.net and read it right to the bottom of the website. Then, sign on to the Kiosk $1.00 one month offer. You can jump off after a month with no problem. But there, Keith Derr has put together an impressive collection of videos you can get with your Kiosk $1.00 signup, and still keep them even if you opt to quit.
Thirdly (and this is most important) I am planning a series of conferences in my own electronic web conference center which will go over questions such as yours ...how you can learn HTML at little or no cost. I am planning to hold these conferences at 8 pm USA Eastern Time if I get enough interest among my AdLand friends. What I need you to do is send out e-mails to all of your friends telling them about these conferences and getting their E-mail addresses so I can send them directions how to log into the conference without being guilty of SPAM.
Please e-mail me at
robertcarper06@comcast.net if you or anybody else is interested.
Thanks loads
Bob Carper