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Bogdan Fiedur

4629 Posts
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No person has ever been honored for what he received.
12/6/2005 9:44:24 AM
"No person has ever been honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave." – Calvin Coolidge, 30th US president
Donna Lira

572 Posts
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Re: No person has ever been honored for what he received.
12/6/2005 9:54:55 AM
Good Morning Bogdan, Thanks for the invite. AWESOME Quote of the Day. When you give you just naturally get back, giving is a great virtue. Warm regards, Donna aka texgirl
Re: No person has ever been honored for what he received.
12/6/2005 9:56:30 AM
This is so very true. Thank you for sharing again, Bogdan. Kenneth
Dan K

154 Posts
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Re: No person has ever been honored for what he received.
12/6/2005 10:10:33 AM
Very good saying I thank you for shareing that with us Dan L'Heureux
Re: No person has ever been honored for what he received.
12/6/2005 10:46:10 AM
So very true, Bogdan. Good quote. Thank you.