Hi Sergey,
Thanks for the invitation to join your 'juice' forum. It is something that is of interest to me. Health drinks, or elixirs, formulated from various fruits, have become very popular. And, of course, there is scientific evidence of the benefits of ingesting fruits.
I did look at your site, and your brochure. They are both very impressive.
The claim of uniqueness, based on the 7 berry formula, however, will not stand for long. There is a new health juice that will launch into the market place January 8, 2005, and it is a 12 berry formula, including the 'wolfberry' as one of the 12. Wolfberry is not, however, the crown jewel ingredient in this new health juice. The crown jewel berry is the 'Acai Berry', which comes from the Amazon region of South America.
Interestingly, the Acai Berry is the only berry listed on the Oprah Winfrey website, and listed number one on the list of 'Ten Superfoods for Age-Defying Beauty'. This list was compiled by Dr. Nicholas Perricone, MD, FACN, who is a board certified clinical and research dermatologist. Dr. Perricone is regarded as the Father of the Inflammation Theory of Aging.
He says, "This little berry is one of the most nutritious and powerful foods in the world." Now, this is coming from a third party expert, who is totally unattached from any marketing efforts of any company. I guess what I'm saying is that his opinion would be totally unbiased.
To learn more about this product and its benefits, I invite you to this website to listen to Dr. Ralph Carson explain it...
This wonderful new health juice also contains a couple other key ingredients to help arthritus sufferers, Celadrin and Glucosomine. I believe this product will also be a major hit!
Anyone who wishes can position themselves right now at no cost at the above website using Sponsor ID# 5218. I can also be contacted for more information by any contact method below!
Best wishes for health and happiness to everyone!
Gail Grainger
Canada Telephone: 780-716-4847