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Kathy Hamilton

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Success Tips
11/30/2005 4:58:54 PM
Hello my friends, Here are tips to ponder on. Are You a Professional? How you look, talk, write, act and work determines whether you are a professional or an amateur. Society does not emphasize the importance of professionalism, so people tend to believe that amateur work is normal. Many businesses accept less-than-good results. Schools graduate students who cannot read. You can miss 15% of the driving-test answers and still get a driver license. "Just getting by" is an attitude many people accept. But it is the attitude of amateurs. "Don't ever do anything as though you were an amateur. "Anything you do, do it as a Professional to Professional standards. "If you have the idea about anything you do that you just dabble in it, you will wind up with a dabble life. There'll be no satisfaction in it because there will be no real production you can be proud of. "Develop the frame of mind that whatever you do, you are doing it as a professional and move up to professional standards in it. "Never let it be said of you that you lived an amateur life. "Professionals see situations and they handle what they see. They are not amateur dabblers. "So learn this as a first lesson about life. The only successful beings in any field, including living itself, are those who have a professional viewpoint and make themselves and ARE professionals" — L. Ron Hubbard A professional learns every aspect of the job. An amateur skips the learning process whenever possible. A professional carefully discovers what is needed and wanted. An amateur assumes what others need and want. A professional looks, speaks and dresses like a professional. An amateur is sloppy in appearance and speech. A professional keeps his or her work area clean and orderly. An amateur has a messy, confused or dirty work area. A professional is focused and clear-headed. An amateur is confused and distracted. A professional does not let mistakes slide by. An amateur ignores or hides mistakes. A professional jumps into difficult assignments. An amateur tries to get out of difficult work. A professional completes projects as soon as possible. An amateur is surrounded by unfinished work piled on unfinished work. A professional remains level-headed and optimistic. An amateur gets upset and assumes the worst. A professional handles money and accounts very carefully. An amateur is sloppy with money or accounts. A professional faces up to other people’s upsets and problems. An amateur avoids others’ problems. A professional uses higher emotional tones: Enthusiasm, cheerfulness, interest, contentment. An amateur uses lower emotional tones: anger, hostility, resentment, fear, victim. A professional persists until the objective is achieved. An amateur gives up at the first opportunity. A professional produces more than expected. An amateur produces just enough to get by. A professional produces a high-quality product or service. An amateur produces medium-to-low quality product or service. A professional earns high pay. An amateur earns low pay and feels it’s unfair. A professional has a promising future. An amateur has an uncertain future. The first step to making yourself a professional is to decide you ARE a professional. Are you a professional? Thanks, Kathy Martin
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Re: Success Tips
11/30/2005 6:19:28 PM
Hi Kathy, A really good forum, with good advice. I consider myself a professional.
Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

1089 Posts
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Re: Success Tips
11/30/2005 6:24:44 PM
Never thought I was that good:-) Now if only I could convince the world.
Re: Success Tips
11/30/2005 9:22:42 PM
Hi Kathy, Excellent list and a great way to look at ourselves. Thanks
Len Berghoef

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Re: Success Tips
11/30/2005 11:35:34 PM
Hi Kathy, Thanks for the tips. I guess if you act the way you want to become and you'll become the way you act. Leonard
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