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Kathy Hamilton

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10 Ways Writing Articles can Improve your Business
11/29/2005 2:49:08 PM
Hello my friends, I am sharing this information to help you to become confident and successful in your business dealings. I have learned alot and I would like to share it with you. writing articles is one of the simplest ways to demonstrate your expertise while simultaneously increase traffic to your website. And if your articles are distributed via the proper channels and subsequently spidered by the major search engines, your website's link popularity will steadily increase over time for added and long-term exposure! To help you get started, here are 10 proven ways to share your knowledge, distribute your articles and expose your business for free: 1. Submit them to e-zines and web sites for publishing. Include your resource box at the end of the article to get free advertising. 2. Combine your articles into a free e-book. You can place your business ad in the e-book. Give it away to visitors and allow them to do the same to multiply your advertising. 3. Create an article directory on your web site. People will visit your web site to get the free information. 4. Submit your articles to print publications that pay for submissions. You can make extra income getting paid as a freelance writer. 5. Combine a few of your articles together into a free report. Give away the free report as a bonus for buying your main product or service. 6. Publish a book with all your articles. Make extra money selling the book from your web site. 7. Give people an instant article directory. Tell visitors they can instantly add a free article directory to their web site by linking to yours. All those links can add up to a large amount of traffic to your web site. 8. Post your articles in related online communities. This can give you free advertising in newsgroups, forums and e-mail discussion lists. 9. Allow people to include your articles in their free e-books. Your article could end up being in 20 to 30 e-books in no time. You won't even have to promote the e-books. 10. Let people access your articles by autoresponder. Include your full page e-mail ad with the article. If you haven't started writing articles to increase traffic to your website, I urge you to start today. This overlooked technique is truly viral marketing at its best. Take advantage of the above 10 ideas, share your expertise and create long-term exposure for your business! This great information comes from a man who is just wonderful, his name is Keith Gloster, everyone should know him. thanks,kathy martin
I walk by faith not by sight Profit Clicking
Eva Gutray

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Re: 10 Ways Writing Articles can Improve your Business
11/29/2005 3:36:23 PM
Tasmania 0 Australia 11/30/2005 Dear Kathy, Welcome back. Thank you for the piece of advice for novice as myself most important. Warm Regards Eva _______________________ SAVING OF THE DECADE WITH WORLDWIN-ECARD.COM
Non for Profit Organization from Tasmania - Australia GLOBAL HARMONY PEOPLE HELP PEOPLE WHERE? AT
Trina Sonnenberg

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Re: 10 Ways Writing Articles can Improve your Business
11/29/2005 3:53:39 PM
You are 100% right on Kathy! Writing articles is the best way to promote what you're into. I built a company on the concept. AdsOnQ, Article Distribution and Syndication On Quikonnex. One thing to remember though... If you are not a writer, you are better off hiring someone else to ghost write for you, than to do it yourself and release something less than professional. I receive many article submissions for my ezine, The Trii-Zine. A good portion of the articles I receive go into the trash, because they are poorly written. As an editor and publisher, I do not have the time to contact authors to have them rewrite their copy, so in the trash they go. This is why I started my forum, Writing 101. I wanted to help others learn to write better for themselves, so that they would not have to find a ghost writer to take advantage of promotion through articles. You know though... the odd thing about my forum is that it seems the readers take my lessons personally, like I think they're stupid, rather than learning from them. I even had one person tell me that on the Internet, you can type any way you want to, that it doesn't matter if you capitalize or punctuate properly. I beg to differ. You appear to be only as intelligent as your communications with others indicate. If you write like a third grader, people are just not going to think you are very smart, either that, or they'll think you're just lazy. Either way, it doesn't make a good impression. Write articles to promote yourself, if you can write. Hire it done for you if you can't, or don't want to learn. Have an awesome day! Trina
Trina L.C. Sonnenberg Freelance Commercial Writer TLC Promotions & The Trii-Zine Ezine ISSN 1555-2276
Gary Buchan

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Re: 10 Ways Writing Articles can Improve your Business
11/29/2005 3:58:34 PM
Hi Kathy, As always,creative content,wonderful words,fantastic forum and all this from a lovely lady. Thanks Kathy, Gary.
Rudy Hiebert(rudyhiebert.myamsoil.c

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Re: 10 Ways Writing Articles can Improve your Business
11/29/2005 4:04:09 PM
This reminded me of a phone call I received from an editor of an R.V. magazine who saw an article I had submitted to an "article submitting" web site. The information that attracted her was how it applied to the RV'er. We came to an agreement as to what I required and it was a done deal. Yes, writing about the right products in the best way and submitting them to the most suitable publication.

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