Hi Paul.
Advertise as much as you want my friend.
12Dailypro can be just surfed by yourself, & you do not need to refer anyone, but building a downline in this program, like any other is all about Networking.
The bigger your network, is, the better it is.
As for being back in he icy cold of the UK, one of my best mates from Basildon rang earlier today & informed me that he will be here with his wife sometime between now & Christmas.
As he put it, the tempreature had not risen above 30 degrees all day & as it was getting dark, the temps were dropping again.
We told him that it was getting cold here now, today will be the last day, for awhile that the temps will be in the 70's.
We even had to check out the heating system in the week, ready for turning on.
Pam's a desert rat, born in Phoenix Arizona, she does not like it when the temps drop below 90 really.
I have taught her the British way of 'layering' her clothes to keep warmer, but she still does not like it when in her words, 'It's getting freezing again'
Which in some way's makes me laugh, as our Lemon tree is just ready for the crop to be picked, I still have Tomatoes growing, Chilli peppers are flowering & growing like mad, even the strawberries are trying to set.
But, as we are used to Summer temps in the 120's-130's, I suppose this sudden drop is cold for her.
I digress, start prospecting Paul, just like you would in any other program.
Your security friend in Las Vegas.