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Screeeaaaaaatch. Oh my God, it's the soapbox....
11/21/2005 12:32:23 AM
Hi; I seldom pull out the soapbox. Today, I am. I hope you'll read it, and I hope you'll reply to the questions at the bottom. : ) On page 7 of the autosurf thread, Greer posted a comment that provided an excellent opener for a topic I have been waiting to introduce. Please note that this is only an excerpt, as the orig. post is very long. Please also not that this is not a reply *to* or *at* Greer, but simply an opening for something I've been wanting to discuss here. ====================================== ...I would consider her in the top level of the web marketing gurus here at ALP -- the reason i say that is because I perceive that she has some real marketing experience, beyond the typical Internet "stick", which taught her to recognize, craft and effectively market meaningful achievements -- just go look at all the national level magazines portrayed on her web site that some of her clients have apparently showed up in -- very impressive... However, getting back to the arena that this thread pertains to, I don't think it ought to fall under your purview as an ALP Advisor to comment on, because i don't think you are qualified to talk about traffic exchanges or paid autosurfs in a meaningful, responsible way ====================================== If you go to the main page of my forum, you'll notice a really neat little feature at Adland. The most active threads in a forum are highlighted with a yellow star. If you look at the list of my threads, you'll see the ones bearing a yellow star include; - What's your dream? - How to make profit from public forums - Making Miracles at Adland - Get Better Response to Affiliate Links - Network Marketing - Autosurf - Paypal Randomizer If you go a step further and read them, you'll note that in the "dream" thread, everyone knows how much they'd like to be making online. You'll also notice that no claims to be achieving their goal yet. So what's up with all the interest in autosurfs, NWM, randomizers, etc? Is it because they are helping people achieve their dreams? Or because they aren't - and people are frustrated and confused? Back in 1961, The late Rosser Reeves, (who coined the phrase "USP") was talking to a client and said; "...for reasons unknown to you, your advertising isn't working and your sales are going down. And everything depends on it. Your future depends on it, your family's future depends on it, other people's families depend on it. And you walk in this office and talk to me, and you sit in that chair. Now, what do you want out of me? Fine writing? Do you want masterpieces? Do you want glowing things that can be framed by copywriters? Or do you want to see the god-damned sales curve stop moving down and start moving up?" That pretty much sums up what I see online. For reason that you might not know, you're not getting the results you want. Your profit isn't what you'd like. Every one of you has a family that, to some degree, depends on you. What you do matters. To you and to them. I "think" that many of you are sick of lousy results and want to see your d*mn profits start going up, to coin Reeves' phrase. But, I could be wrong. As Greer noticed, I do great design. But I do more than that. I have spoken about the clients I have that make over $10,000.00 per month online. I know what they do -- because I am the one doing it. Design isn't what I focus on. Marketing is. I provide marketing services to a very small group of clients. I write the copy and I do the promoting. In ten years online, I have lost count of the number of times I've logged into shopping carts to see $10,000, $30,000 and $50,000 in sales per month. Often times I've wished I owned their businesses. LOL Humor aside, am I qualified to speak about what works to make profit online? D*rn straight I am. I don't get paid a penny for what I do here. I do what I do because of who I am and what I believe in. I don't think you need yet another person patting you on the head while asking you to join another downline. There's quite enough of that online. But maybe I'm wrong. Maybe that is what you want. I never assume. So I'm asking. Here are my questions... 1) Is your online income what you'd like it to be yet? 2) Are you willing to eliminate activities that are not the best use of your time so you can spend time doing more effective things? 3) On a scale of 1-10, how serious are you about wanting to make an online business work? Depending on the answers, I can post some mind bending thoughts. Or not. Depends if you want them. *wink* : ) Linda
Winston Scoville

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Re: Screeeaaaaaatch. Oh my God, it's the soapbox....
11/21/2005 1:27:49 AM
1) Is your online income what you'd like it to be yet? Definitely not! 2) Are you willing to eliminate activities that are not the best use of your time so you can spend time doing more effective things? Most definitely. 3) On a scale of 1-10, how serious are you about wanting to make an online business work? A 10. Linda, hopefully you weren't looking for any kind of detail in the answers. But then I'm not generally long on answers anyways. Just straight forward answers to what I take as straight forward questions. :-)
lol Winston...
11/21/2005 2:53:53 AM
Hi: ========================================= Linda, hopefully you weren't looking for any kind of detail in the answers. But then I'm not generally long on answers anyways. ========================================= Not long on answers, but you've come up with some good ones. To answer, some may want to just answer the questions. Others may want to respond to parts of the post itself. Both are fine. I'm looking for response... whatever sort the reader feels they want to post is fine. Like I always say, it's pretty open here. : ) Linda
Angela Cardwell

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Re: lol Winston...
11/21/2005 5:11:53 AM
Good morning Linda, Great forum to start the day. My answers: 1) Is your online income what you'd like it to be yet? Not near enough! 2) Are you willing to eliminate activities that are not the best use of your time so you can spend time doing more effective things? Always trying to. Have to delete a lot of invites even though I hate to. 3) On a scale of 1-10, how serious are you about wanting to make an online business work? 10! As you know, I am already "publishing". That's why I don't post a lot here. I don't participate in the bizz opps. Woke at 4 am this morning with my "brain- storming" mind on. Horses! I don't know why I haven't started one already. I have been around horses all my life. I guess because everytime I thought about it I was thinking "medical". And am not a vet. But, in doing some research have found a lot of key phrases with minimal competition. Like "lightweight foal halter". Now, I'm off to Wordtracker to see what I can come up with! Great forums Linda, it's always great to read your posts! Angela
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Re: Screeeaaaaaatch. Oh my God, it's the soapbox....
11/21/2005 6:12:40 AM
1) Is your online income what you'd like it to be yet? NO 2) Are you willing to eliminate activities that are not the best use of your time so you can spend time doing more effective things? Yes, this is something you must do if you want to turn a profit. 3) On a scale of 1-10, how serious are you about wanting to make an online business work? 10

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