Hello everyone.
That headline got you, didn't it?
After all the excitment of Secret Launch, the paid Auto-surf phenomenon !2,13,25 62 etc etc etc....
How about something that I have been testing, that actually works?
Now, this is not something you switch on, then go shopping, feed the kids, or mow the lawn.
No, this is something you have got to WORK at.
I know thats a horrible word for some of you, if it cannot be done quickly & painlessly, then you don't want to know about it.
Hey, thats fine with me, as this is for people that want to learn, want to build downlines, yes REFER new people.
There are also some nice programs that you click on, look at other peoples websites, then move on to more.
Why, well it's amazing what you can find doing this, I have found some lovely earners, just by clicking & reading.
Also, for every website you look at, other people have to look at your website.
If your website is interesting enough, then people want to find out more.
Now, I know that a lot of you are in affiliate websites, you cannot make yours any different to anyone elses.
There is another way.
Build a smart website of your own, then put your affiliate banner, or a piece of text, show others that you actually know what you are promoting.
It's quite easy with this lovely free program called Freewebs.com
Look at this simple site I made in a couple of hours.
The templates are good, everything is explained in simple terms, you can build one right now, & be advertising it in a couple of hours.
Look at the traffic site page I put together as an afterthought....
Just click on the Freewebs link at the bottom of any of the page's to get your free website.
Now I mentioned referrals earlier.
Well at this site
Get Ref's you can.
You look at others sites, you can even join the ones you like, you earn points which get's your opportunity's shown, then others look at what you have to offer, if they like it, they sign-up.
See the magic with this system is, you have to join at least one program a month, it can be a free one, a traffic site, or a paid program, but without joining at least one, then your program never gets shown.
So, everyone who joins, has to join at least one program, the odds are very good of you getting a minimum of one referral a month.
Thats the minimum, if you have a good program, system opportunity, you WILL get a lot more than one referral. I have tried & tested this, & I have had referrals....
Want a good traffic site?
This one is rather good.
Adsense Earning Somewhat different to the 'normal' then, so am I.
One more for you all here.
You like joining things free, you like to try them out & see if you can earn, duplicate, promote & get downlines...
Am I right?
Yes, you know I am.
The Online Earning Center.
Try this for free, earn money as a free member, promote it everywhere & earn money from others that join.
If you want to upgrade & earn lots more money, then do so, I don't care, it's your money.
I know that you will earn, it's easy, you have lots of task's that earn you money, you can earn points too so that you can send emails to the membership, you can add banners for members to click on, adverts for them to look at.
They earn for clicking & looking, you earn because of this.
You also get sign-ups in your other programs, what other system can get you this for free?
One last thought to leave you with.
Paid auto-surfs.
Good, Bad..?
Well. they are good, all the time that people join & re-upgrade.
They are bad, when people leave & take their money.
One that is good, & is paying out very well, is one that you have all seen.
Everyone here at Adlandpro seems to be in it or promoting it.
but, there are almost 22,000 members of Adlandpro, I don't think that there are that many members of
12 Dailypro, in fact I'm sure there is not.
So, that not only gives you a lot of members here at Adlandpro to show this too, but around 60,000,000 other online users
Just think want getting ½% of those people to join would do??????
For one thing, you would not have to worry about paying a bill again.....
12 Dailypro, is only free for the first 7 days, then you have to upgrade. or leave.
this makes it fair for everyone else in the system. How would you like to be upgraded, & free members are earning ????
Thats why
12 Dailypro, is still going strong, over 6 months old & still paying out on time everytime.
I will leave you with these few morsels to be getting on with.
I am testing bigger & more costly programs now, if I make a profit, I will tell you.
Your security friend in Las Vegas.