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Craftie Linda

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Irish Lads
11/13/2005 4:05:55 PM
Two Irish lads had been out shacking up with their girl friends. One felt guilty and decided he should stop at the church and confess. He went into the confession booth and told the Father, "Father, I have sinned. I have committed fornication with a lady. Please forgive me." The Father said, "Tell me who the lady was." The lad said he couldn't do that and the Father said he couldn't grant him forgiveness unless he did. "Was it Mollie O'Grady?" asked the Father." "No." "Was it Rosie Kelly?" "No." "Was it that red-headed wench Tessie O'Malley?" "No." "Well then," said the Father, "You'll not be forgiven." When the lad met his friend outside the friend asked, "So, did you find forgiveness." "No," said the other, "but I picked up three good prospects!"
Ana Maria Padurean

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Re: Irish Lads
11/13/2005 4:29:20 PM
Hi Linda, This was a good one. About confession: we have a saying something like this - one deed that you confess its half forgiven (hope you can get it out from this, hm)! One day little Johny was sitting very quite at the table. So his mother asket what's bothering him. As he didn't answered she thought he did something wrong. So she told him , that if he did something wrong he has to confess as it's half forgiven. So, may I confess twice that I broke a window - asked Johny!
Marilyn L Martin

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Re: Irish Lads
11/13/2005 4:55:28 PM
HI Linda, LOL! That's one of those things that make you wanna go hhhmmmmmm... Thanks so much for sharing this with us! Marilyn
Marilyn L Martin
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Ashley Maynard

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Re: Irish Lads
11/13/2005 5:02:56 PM
Hello Linda, Thanks for sharing you since of humor. Ashley
Sarka Ksandrova

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Re: Irish Lads
11/13/2005 5:13:56 PM
Hello Linda, Thats good one. Thank you. Have a nice day, Sarka Look please on my HITS: 1) - they give you a $26 sign-up bonus. 2) - they give you a $16 sign-up bonus.

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