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Bogdan Fiedur

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Luck is not chance.....
2/25/2005 10:13:13 AM
"Luck is not chance; it’s toil. Fortune’s expensive smile is earned." – Emily Dickinson, Poet
Thomas West

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Re: Luck is not chance.....
2/25/2005 10:29:20 AM
This is absolutely true!!! I have recently come to realize that the only thing holding me back from the things I need is my mindset. If you visualize what you want and think about it on a daily basis, the universe will bring it to you. The catch is, you have to have complete and total belief that you will get it. In other words, you have to BELIEVE it to SEE it (not see it to believe it). For anyone out there interested, there is a conference call that trains your mind to be a success and create your own luck occurring tomorrow night, Saturday February 26, 2005 at 10:30 PM Eastern Standard Time. Go to the following website to download the free ebook we'll be discussing: Read chapter 1, then look at the responses from other people on this "Leaders List": Then, get in touch with me to get the conference line number and access code. This is free (except for your long distance bill) and there will be NO SELLING, NO RECRUITING, and NO COMPANY NAMES WILL BE MENTIONED. If you want to change you life, you must be on this call. It has changed mine! If my wife has applied these techniques correctly, she will be the next Publishers Clearing House winners this Monday February 28. To your success,
Donna Grimes

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Luck is not chance.....
2/25/2005 1:35:22 PM
Hi Bogdan, Thank's for you invitation. I've learn't in life that, "you make your own luck" If you do nothing to change anything it all stay's the same. You can change one small aspect of your life and it has the possabillities of changing everything in your life. A famous quote in business circle's: I can't tell you who said it, If you alway's do, what you have alway's done, You always get, what you alway's got. Donna
Mark Wade

69 Posts
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Re: Luck is not chance.....
2/25/2005 2:31:06 PM
How True! The definition of insanity - Doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results... Nothing changes if nothing changes! Thanks Guys, Mark
b5media ought to be known as bsmedia. That's my message for now...

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