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Linda Miller

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Gold In Your Cellar
10/31/2005 11:09:27 PM
Hello friends, I hope you enjoy this article by Dr. Robert Anthony as much as I did! Gold In Your Cellar What would you say if somebody told you that down in the cellar or your house there was a box full of gold coins? You might say many things in surprise, but one thing you wouldn’t do, and that would be to ignore it. You’d certainly go down and bring up that box of gold coins and put it to use; and yet, has it ever occurred to you that most of us live out our whole lives with a box of gold in the cellar of our minds that we never even bother to use. Deep down below the surface level of thoughts lies that wonderful part of our mind that we call the “subconscious.” Everything drops down into the subconscious and nothing ever drops out of it. It is the storehouse of memory, the vast subterranean repository of knowledge. To be successful we need to make greater use of it. We tend to live like paupers sitting at a bare table in a fireless room, not knowing there’s a pot of gold in the cellar. Our subconscious can be made to serve the daily needs of our lives. It can be made to work for us productively; it can make of you a much more efficient person by acting the part of a good secretary of the mind, reminding you of certain things that need to be done at certain times by hunting up information that the conscious mind has mislaid. Like a computer, every fact and impression received into the conscious mind is still down there below the surface level of thought in your subconscious mind. How then do you set about using and developing these marvelous powers? How can we take possession of this secret kingdom of the subconscious mind? Well, it certainly can’t be done in a hurry. The latent forces of the mind must be trained by a slow, systematic process of suggestion and given direction through the exercise of our will and imagination. Decide what it is that you want your subconscious mind to do for you, one thing at a time. If you want a particular problem solved, spend five minutes or so, night and morning quietly realizing that the whole thing is being worked out for you on the subconscious level. Then quite suddenly will come the solution, and it will be the right one, because of the subconscious is open at its source to the inflowing of the wisdom of Creative Intelligence. If you want health, concentrate on health; never entertain thoughts of weakness or disease. Make a daily affirmation of the reality of health and well being. If you want happiness, don’t dwell on your miseries or disappointments. That which is daily impressed upon your conscious mind will sink down into your subconscious mind and eventually will become externalized as experience. That’s why it is necessary to think thoughts that are positive, regenerative and constructive. Remember always that the subconscious mind is open at its source to the wisdom of Creative Intelligence. Trust this wisdom and you will make fewer mistakes, and experience a greater amount of health, happiness and abundance in your life. ________ This article is from the e-book "50 Ideas That Can Change Your Life" from Dr. Robert Anthony's Rapid Manifestation: ________
Help us spread the message to the world... Linda Miller 828-652-4714 Nebo, North Carolina

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